Chapter 28

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A/N: Hey guys - I am so sorry for the late update! I was having a major writers block and stuff at home hasn't been too good! Hopefully, this will spur me back into a writing streak! 

A massive thank you to you wonderful readers for keeping up with the story! Don't forget to keep voting and commenting!


I gasped in pain as claws dug themselves into my leg. I didn't want to turn round to look at my pursuer. Instead, I blindly kicked at the thing attacking me, hoping to push it away. When a large crack sounded through the forest, I felt the claws retract themselves from my leg. Taking the opportunity, and ignoring the pain, I sprang up from the ground and pushed myself through the trees; only one destination in mind.

I didn't know how long I had been running through the forest surrounding Mystic Falls. What I did know was that the spirit world in which I was in seemed to be the home for all supernatural beings that ever lived. I didn't want to think what half of them were for fear of creating more nightmares in my mind. Instead, I powered my feet across the ground as I ran between the trees, jumping logs and branches as I went.

I tried not to look at the creatures and faces I passed, instead just focusing on my destination. Thankfully, nothing paid me any attention apart from the werewolf chasing me. I didn't know why it was after me. It's not like I was a vampire which was apparently their biggest enemy and I hadn't pissed it off in any way. I just obviously looked like a chew toy.

The biggest question was why I was outrunning it. Then again, I had an idea. In all the time I had been there, I wasn't able to access my powers. Maybe that was the same for every creature there.

Finally, after what seemed like years, I broke through the forest, landing head first into gravel. I didn't think about the stinging pain in my cheeks. I pushed myself from the ground, quickly shaking my fingers free of the stones that stuck to the skin before flat out sprinting towards the door.

Once I reached it, I jumped across the threshold and slammed the door shut. Only my panting could be heard, that and the beating of my heart.

I let my body slowly slide down against the door of the Salvatore Boarding House as I tried to catch my breath. Spots and dots were flying over my vision but I didn't care. I had made it. Of course, with all my running and trying to escape from hungry werewolves, I hadn't thought that maybe someone else would have had the same idea as me. Which was why when I heard a voice, my body jumped fifty miles in the air.

Slowly, I lifted my head as the stranger spoke again. 'So? Are you going to tell me who the hell you are or am I going to have an early dinner?'


It didn't take long for Eve to adjust to her new body. Though she had a body in the spirit world, it wasn't the same as a corporeal one. This one had a working pair of lungs and a beating heart. Something she hadn't missed in all the thousands of years away.

'So, little Miss Elemental here traveled for months to save some pathetic blood drinker?' Eve asked from behind the changing room curtain.

'His name is Kol Mikaelson. One of the-

'Original vampires, I know.' Eve sighed. 'What a crazy life this one leads.'

Diego rolled his eyes in annoyance as he waited for the Elemental to come out from the bathroom where she was staring into the mirror, trying to adjust to her new face. Her old one wasn't nearly as pretty. The girls features were softer than her old ones; the eyes were softer and lips were more perky.

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