Chapter 5

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'How fantastic. Why is it that whenever we are having a good time, one of you bastards always has to come and ruin it,' hissed one of the men. The newcomer simply sighed, reached into his jacket and threw something. It happened so fast that I didn't even realise that it had hit the man and was sticking out of his chest. My mouth dropped open as the man went down, turning a strange colour of gray.

'I honestly have no answer to that. Maybe it's because you lot are all killing off the good people of MysticFalls,' said the newcomer, slowly walking amongst the tables like a predator waiting for its prey to run.

'Well, it is in our blood. What do you expect?' the boss said, finally letting go of my hips to walk round the pool table only to lean against it. With the slow flow of blood leaving my body at my neck, I didn't dare move, especially when these things seemed like they could catch me the second I left the table. 'Besides, I don't see a crown on your head telling us that you can tell us what we can and can't do.' 

'Now, you see, that's where you're wrong,' the stranger said, picking up an empty beer bottle off the nearby table that I didn't clean. 'You boys are obviously very young, and therefore, very naive. That makes you think that you can defeat anything that crosses your path.' As if to reiterate his point, the stranger smashed the bottle against the table and threw it at another one of the men. I heard the sound of it cut into flesh before the man went down with a loud thud and ceased to move.  'And, therefore, are reckless with your kills,' he said with a smile that didn't meet his eyes. 

'Obviously cockiness is in the Salvatore genes. Your brother has threatened us with the same speech-' 

'Well, my brother has turned less menacing with his recent spark of humanity. However,' he said and with a quick flick of his wrist, he threw something at the last of the library vampire's men, causing him to fall straight to the floor. 'I can still get the job done,' he said with the same smile that didn't meet his eyes. 

'If you're going to ask me about the Original, I know nothing of him,' the man stuttered as he slowly backed away towards the front door. 

'Oh, on the contrary. I was going to ask you why you are about to kill this lovely young lady,' he said, gesturing to me but his eyes never left the man. 

'She saw me kill someone!' the man shouted in fear. 'I tried to compel her to forget but-but she didn't! She's different! I don't know what, though!' 

'Well, from the looks of it,' he said, standing beside me in a second. He lightly tapped my neck, taking a bit of blood onto his finger as he held it up to the man though I couldn't see his reaction. 'You've already had a taste,' he said with an annoyed tone in his voice. 

'Only a bit! There's plenty more for you! Though, as I recall, you don't drink human blood,' the man taunted. Suddenly, the newcomer standing beside me was gone and a sickening sound that resembled the stakes going into the vampire's hearts echoed about the grill. There was hushed talking till a loud thud rang through the floorboards. 

In a heartbeat, the newcomer was standing beside me, taking all of me in as I started to see black dots. 'You've lost a lot of blood,' the newcomer said before picking me up in his arms. 

'Am I going to die?' I asked quietly as he sped me out the grill. 

'Not yet,' he said before I lost consciousness.


Somewhere there was beeping. And it was annoying me. Thinking it was an alarm, I lifted my hand towards my bedside table but I couldn't even lift my arm. I felt myself frown as I tried to lift my other arm, but that one didn’t move either. The sounds around me became clearer, as did the beeping which was piercing my eardrums, and the sounds of voices around me separated from the dull sound of one. 

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