Chapter 7

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‘Look; there has to be an explanation!’ said Alaric as he paced round the family room of the Salvatore boarding house. 

‘Like what, she fell out of the window and imagined the whole thing?’ replied Damon as he watched Ric from his position in front of the dying fire.

‘It’s possible. It’s probably happened before.’ 

‘Yeah, like in Peter Pan,’ scoffed Damon, smirking as Ric sent him a glare. 

‘But what happens if it is true?’ asked Caroline from her position on the sofa opposite me. ‘What happens if there was a vamp and Andy killed it?’

‘You see; the first time we need Stefan, he’s AWOL. Ever since he turned and became Klaus’ lap dog, he’s become a real pain in my ass,’ complained Damon as he strolled over to the alcohol table. 

‘But that wouldn’t help with figuring out what Andy did.’ 

If she really did it and didn’t imagine it which seems more plausible than-‘ 

‘Just shut up!’ I shouted, standing in anger. As if reacting to my words, the fire roared into life; its flames licking at the edge of the fireplace before calming down to embers. Everyone’s eyes flicked between me and the fire with shock and surprise as though they had completely forgotten that I was there. I tried to focus on slowing down my breathing but I was too angry for no apparent reason. ‘What the hell is happening to me?’ 

Ric just gave me a worried look as Matt stood up from his space next to Caroline only to sit me down next to him. ‘Maybe a witch is making you hallucinate things?’ 

‘Or maybe she is one,’ said Damon with a deadpanned voice; watching me with careful eyes. 

‘I can’t be. My parents were normal, as were my grandparents so that makes me normal. I’m human…I’m ordinary…’ I said with a quiet voice as I picked at my nails. 

‘It’s true,’ said Ric as his feet alerted me that he was moving towards me. ‘I’ve known her family for years. There’s no way they were supernatural.’ 

‘Every family has their secrets,’ said Damon just as his phone beeped. He released a deep sigh before slamming his glass down on the table. ‘It’s Stefan. He said that Klaus went after Bonnie’s mum. Trying to get her to find the coffins or something or other. Anyway, he wants me to move them before they give up the location.’ 

‘You need any help?’ asked Alaric. 

‘Nah. Just focus on Andy. I’ll be back as soon as I can.’ With that, he stormed out of the house, slamming the door as he went. 

The room was silent as we listened to the creak of the old house. ‘So, now what do we do?’ asked Caroline, still sitting opposite me. 

‘Well,’ said Alaric as he walked round the sofa to sit beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. ‘We read through as many books as we can and see if we can find out what's happening to you.'

The day went slowly by. A few minutes after Damon left, we all went back to the Gilbert’s to dig out as many books on supernatural creatures as we could, only to finish at eight when Ric said he had a date with a Doctor Fell. Caroline and Matt offered to stay but I told them that Elena had texted to say that she and Bonnie were on their way back. 

I didn’t pay much attention to my godfather when he walked into the house two hours later with his date. I just picked up the book I was reading and moved into the living room. A few minutes later, Elena walked in, muttering her apologies to Ric, clearly disrupting something, before walking in and falling onto the sofa next to me. ‘Good to see that you survived,’ I said, not looking up from the book I was reading but still smiling. 

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