Chapter 27

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Kol had woken up in stranger places with no memory of what had happened. Though, this time was a little different to others. He did remember. He remembered the spirit world in which he was trapped in for what felt like a thousand years. Even for a vampire, a thousand years was a long time. He remembered the  spirits that attempted to kill him at every moment. Evil and vengeful spirits who seemed to simply want to kill anything and everything. Luckily, that was something that Kol had in common with them.

He remembered Andy coming to save him. Of course, that didn't explain how on earth she got there and how she had gained the power to cross over into the spirit world to bring him back.

Another thing Kol couldn't figure out was where the hell he was and, more to the point, where his clothes were.

He looked around the room, finally deeming that he was in a small crypt somewhere. It wasn't like the one where they had fought against Lydia and her coven. It was visibly smaller and looked a lot older. More cobwebs and cracks littering the walls. Instead of an altar at the back, there was a large stone coffin. Something that looked like it hadn't been moved or even touched in centuries. But that wasn't the most unusual thing in the little crypt. 

Three varnished oak coffins sat at against the two side walls; one on one side, two on the other. Kol almost laughed. How ironic.

'Twice I have wakened from death and each time was not in the confines of a coffin. And yet, each time I have had a dagger pulled from my chest, I awake in one.' Kol walked towards the coffin which he knew was his; though they all looked the same, dragging his fingers over the smooth surface. 'Cruel irony, isn't it?'

The stranger Kol knew was watching him laughed from the doorway to the crypt. 'Niklaus thought it would have been...insensitive to have you awaken in it.'

Kol turned to face his eldest brother. 'It's unlike Nik to show compassion.'

Elijah gave a breath of laughter. He took in his brothers form. Though his siblings usually fought and acted like they hated each other, family was family. His youngest brothers death came as a shock for them all. They all were more affected than they'd like, certainly something they would keep from the recently deceased vampire, but it showed how strong their bond as a family was. Everything they had been through had made them stronger.

'What can you remember?'

Kol smirked. 'A conversation I would love to have when I have a drink in my hand and preferably when I am wearing clothes.'

Elijah threw a pair of jeans and a long sleeved green top to his brother. 'There are shoes in the corner.' The vampire gave Kol a minute to change before they walked through the darkened forest. There was no need to rush. They needed to figure out what on earth happened, like how Kol had came back from wherever he was.

It didn't take long to reach the grand mansion that Klaus had built for their family. It also didn't take long for Kol to leave 14 blood bags dry and then move onto a bottle of whisky. He didn't even bother with a glass.

'Where's big brother Nik and darling sister Rebekah to welcome me home?' Kol asked from his place on the couch.

Elijah hadn't sat down. There were too many unanswered questions. He was tense, for some strange reason, despite getting his brother back. There was no question that it wasn't Kol. The way he spoke along with his permanent smirk was proof enough. It was the fact that he hadn't asked about Andy that was what was puzzling him.

'They're out with the Salvatore's.'

Kol scoffed. 'He'd chose those idiots over his own brother? Can't say I'm surprised. Still touches my humanity, though.'

Beauty and A Beast (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora