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Y/N: Aight dad....you got someone from a private school? That's funny man.

Dad: I know that's what I said, but he's a real gangsta, another thing, he doesn't know your my daughter and he doesn't know about your bandana so please be careful.

Y/N: Dad c'mon don't be trippin' not a lot of people know your my dad at my school anyways.

Dad: HAHAH you're right.

I look up at the clock and the time is now 7:50.

Y/N: I gotta go Dad Trey is waiting for me. I love you.

I kiss him on the cheek again and he replies while holding my hand and looking me in the eyes.

Dad: I love you too Y/N more than you know.

He then kisses my hand and lets go.

Dad: Kick someones ass today aight! And don't forget your bandana!

Y/N: Aight Dad!!

I walk out of the room and me and Trey make our way down to the car. I say goodbye to everyone then I hop in, and before I know it I'm at hell....OH...I mean school. I hate my school cause it's filled with young gangsters all trying to get into my Dad's gang.

It's low-key funny though because they can throw signs like nothing, but when they see me walk pass with the green bandana, they freak and stop instantly. I'm supposed to rep the gang but everyone I know in the gang usually wears green or has their bandana around their heads.

Mine has to be on my bag so when I walk past or if people see me from behind, they know I'm the gang leaders daughter. No-one knows that I'm his daughter in school though, because everyone is young. Only people over 21 know who I am, so when I'm walking down the streets by myself I don't get beat up.

I go to a private school in the suburbs because my dad wanted me to have a good education, not just to be apart of the gang. I make it inside and go straight to my locker, just as I swing my schoolbag around I realise the green bandana tied around the top of it is gone. I turn around to be met with a hispanic looking dude.

Y/N: Hey would you mind giving that back?

Edwin: You really shouldn't be wearing this colour around here

Y/N: And who the heck are you to tell me what I can and can't put on my bag?

Edwin: I'm what they call a gangsta boy.

I look this kid up and down. He looks like a legit nerd with his hair all curly and his uniform. I then look at his hands and realise his fingernails are painted black. I chuckle and raise his hand up.

Y/N: Wow I didn't know gangstas paint their nails black?

Edwin: Shutup bitch what the hell do you know about being a gangsta!?

His voice is now slightly raised and some people in the hallway start turning around to look.

Y/N: Bro chill, don't raise your voice at me or trust me you'll regret it "gangsta boy"

I raise my hands and do that quotation thing. I snatch my bandana back and turn around.

Edwin: Gangst- Yo who the hell do you think you are!?

He spins me around and holds onto my wrist.


I'm about to hit him in the face with my fist but...

PrettyMuch Imagines💘Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang