Avoiding More Difficulties

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Their hands once again intertwined as the demon walked through the trails with Dipper.

The brunet hummed quietly to himself, taking in the green scenery and basking in the warmth.

While Bill only admired the smaller teen in front of him, his small hands tugging the demon along with him.

Dipper wandered farther into the forest, seeing supernatural creatures on the way, like a baby orculous tarantula.

The black haired male watched as Dipper grabbed a small sketch book out of his pocket inside his sweater.

The small sketched the baby orculous tarantula, which was an overgrown tarantula that happened from the weirdness boost during weirdmageddon.

Along with some eyebats flying around every now and then, a couple rare bucks that had pure white fur but blood red horns from fighting other creatures off.

The whole time the mortal didn't worry about being attacked by any of the creatures, instead he stared in awe then quickly sketched away, making sure to write the species of the creatures.

While Bill on the other hand smiled to himself as he kept staring at his partner.

After some time he let out a content sigh as he took a seat beside his boyfriend to stare at the sky.

"Do you wanna take a trip to another dimension?" The older male questioned.

Dipper nodded, quickly standing up to face Bill completely as he stood and smiled excitedly.

"Yeah! The last time wasn't so bad, it was just like some AHS universe kind of thing..?" Dipper shrugged, an awkward smile on his lips.

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." The demon smirked slightly, wrapping his hand around the smalls waist, leading him deeper into the woods.

They walked for twenty minutes before the brunet stopped to stare down a trail leading to a different place in the forest.

"What is it, Pine Tree?" Bill asked quietly, eyebrows knitted together in worry.




Dipper shook his head, looking up to his lover.

"Hm, nothing..." The small smiled, tugging the tall along with him-

But the demon stayed put, looking down the said trail, a frown tugging at his lips.

"Bill, please-"

"Just tell me what's down that trail." Bill interjected, his hand slipping behind the brunets head so he could bring them so they were face to face, his breath mixing in with Dippers.



The brunet stopped to consider his next words, what was he going to say?

What could he say?

Whatever he says, would it be the right words?

Bill always knows when he lies, he doesn't even have to mind read to know anymore.

Finally, the brunet let out a sigh, his body relaxing as he stopped moving.

"The cave-...it's a cave."

Bill let go of the smaller male, only to look down with furrowed brows and a surprised expression.

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