40: "Clowns always deserve to get punched."

Start from the beginning

"Ah, yes! That's the full-bodied Kryptonian flavor I love!"

"Everyone, stay whelmed! Subdue, but keep your distance!" Robin ordered, and the archers readied their arrows.

Parasite narrowed his eyes at the bows pointed at him, an arch of red energy slamming into them and turning the steel to dust, much to the archer's surprise.

Cyra, ignoring very clear orders, ran up and leaped off the ground, slamming a green-encrusted fist into the side of Parasite's head.

The villain crumbled to the ground, letting go of Superboy, who Cyra pushed away with a gentle giant hand. Then, Parasite's hand gripped Cyra's ankle.

It felt like her energy was being drained out of her like the water from a toilet after you flushed, and Cyra blinked, but remained standing as heat washed over her skin, sweat prickling against her suit.

"Oh, this is disappointing," the villain hummed, getting back to his feet as Cyra stumbled back. "Just human. Looks like being a Green Lantern isn't more than skin-deep."

Cyra's nostrils flared, but didn't move fast enough in time for when Parasite lifted up her leg and launched her off the train like a professional thrower.

The world spun. Cyra's stomach felt like it was trying to regurgitate a small lamb and she really wished she would have eaten in the kitchen when she had the chance because she didn't know if her stomach could ever handle such sweet food ever again.

Then, she remembered she could fly, and the spinning stopped.

Cyra floated in the air as the train was already far away, seeing a little blimp vanishing into the sky, which could only have been Parasite with his dark purple head.

A burst of wind launched Cyra forward. The train went over a bridge and she saw M'gann, Red Arrow, and Artemis struggling to get Robin back on the train with the strong pressure and M'gann looking like she was trying to hold back vomit.

Cyra swooped underneath them, pushing up on Robin's feet and sending them all spiraling back onto the train in a big, tired dog pile.

"Conner!" M'gann shouted, scrambling to her feet and sprinting next to her fallen boyfriend, helping him to his feet.

"Fine, fine," he insisted.

"You're drained!" Robin exclaimed. "Parasite took more power than you even had! Heat Vision?"

Cyra frowned in thought.

"I have the genetic potential for it," Superboy shrugged. "Must have been enough for him."

Robin grunted, stomping on the rooftop, the rest of the Team following. Cyra threw Superboy a steely look.

"Go," he snapped to M'gann. "I'll manage."

M'gann followed them down, back into the train, if not hesitantly. Cyra just shook her head. She waited down by the door, helping her sick friend through it before glancing back up to where Superboy was. Cautiously, she climbed back up the ladder, peeking over it to see Superboy take some black patch off his chest.

"If you're a nicotine addict, you know we can help you, right?" Cyra asked, stepping back up onto the moving train, her arms crossed as there was an angry scowl on her face. "What is that thing? Is that why you've been all Superman-power mighty, lately?"

"Cyra, this really isn't any of your business—"

"You've been a complete jerk, so yeah, it is, especially when you've been flying around." Cyra snapped the patch out of Superboy's hand, it flopping around in her hand. Cyra frowned at it. She demanded, "What is it?"

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