Chapter 27: Meeting the Earl

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I found myself back in my temporary room with the plum draperies. I paced the room from the window to fireplace and back repeatedly. I was supposed to be resting as I was still recovering from my injury. But I could not remain still. My mind was plagued with concerns.

The knowledge that my father was alive gave me new motivation and purpose. Although, I did not like the situation I could still understand my fathers reasons for not letting me know he was alive.

The one thing that still bothered me however, is Sir Raulf's refusal to tell me where my father was. When I pressed him for more information, he said my father would come to me when he felt it was safe.

However, the knowledge that my father was alive was not what kept me pacing the room in such a restless state. While I was grateful for the validation, I had known in my heart that he was alive all along.

What really was troubling me was the revelation that Sir Gregory, a man I trusted and had relied on so heavily, was the cause for all the misfortune that had come to my family. Once more, it meant that he must have been behind all of the brutal attacks on our tenants. But why? What was his motivation? How could a man that had pledged his loyalty to my father turn on him? Was it for power?

Looking back, I realized my instincts had told me he was not trustworthy. There were many things I had not felt comfortable sharing with him. It was a feeling in my gut that told me I shouldn't. Indeed, had I not avoided him since he had proposed we marry? I could not forget the queasy feeling I had at the very idea of marrying him. I now knew I was merely a pawn in his game, and the knowledge made me furious.

Although, I doubted it made much difference to him whether I married him or not. I knew enough about the man to know he would never let a minor inconvenience, such as he would consider it, to stop him short of his ultimate goal; whatever that goal might be.

I sat down in an armchair that was in front of the fireplace. Staring into the flickering flames my tormented thoughts continued.

I needed to get back to Dilston Manor. I had to find my father. I needed to know what he was planning. Also, I needed to invest all of my efforts into finding Freddy. The vision I had seen of him held captive and suffering brought stinging tears to my eyes. If Sir Gregory had him hidden somewhere, I would not find those answers here.

Sir Raulf was already on his way back to Dilston Manor. I had wanted to go with him, but both he and Edric insisted that for us to arrive there at the same time would have been too difficult to explain without raising suspicion.

Just then I heard a knock at the door. I called for the person to enter and a moment later Lady Von Dane came in the room.

"I see you are up my dear. How are you feeling?" Lady Von Dane inquired.

"A little overwhelmed, to be truthful." I admitted. I had risen from the arm chair at seeing Lady Von Dane was my visitor. She held out her hands to me and cautiously I walked to her. Taking my hands she gazed at me, with a sorrowful expression in her eyes.

"You've been through so much, Thea. I'm sorry I was not there for you after your mother died." Lady Von Dane sighed. Then with a smile she continued. "I promise you, our home is your home and you are always welcome. You're like a daughter to me."

"Thank you." I said with emotion.

"If you are feeling well enough, there is someone who wishes to speak with you."

A moment later, I found myself following Lady Von Dane down several corridors. We finally came to a darkened room and Lady Von Dane ushered me inside. She moved to a man sitting in a high back arm chair. Following her hesitantly, I came in view of the man. He was an older gentleman with graying hair.

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