Chapter 19: The Hooded Man

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Just after the festivities, I saw Sir Raulf sneak away from Dilston Manor. I followed him into the night not knowing where I would find myself. As discreetly as possible I kept a safe distance, so that he would not notice me. I silently chastised myself. I had known Sir Raulf most of my life and here I was spying on him. Yet, what choice did I have. I had to at least rule out his involvement I kept telling myself.

Crouching low behind a half wall that was part of the remains of the old abbey, I listened intently as Sir Raulf spoke to a hooded man that I could not see clearly in the darkness.

There I found myself spying on Sir Raulf, listening to his and the hooded mans exchange.

"What do you think?" Sir Raulf asked.

"Everything is going according to plan." The hooded man replied. He spoke in a muffled tone making it impossible to place his voice with someone I knew. "Do you believe she suspects anything?" He asked Sir Raulf.

"She is not a fool; I believe she knows there is something going on." Sir Raulf observed. "However, I do not believe she has the faintest idea what is happening right under her nose." He assured the hooded figure.

"I must confess, at first I believed her mad scheme was sure to hinder our progress." The hooded man admitted. "Now I believe the training has been a diversion proven useful to move forward with our plans without notice."

I couldn't breathe and clutched at the stones for stability. I tried to keep my composure listening to their exchange. I never in my wildest dreams would have believed Sir Raulf capable of conspiring against my family. The men stopped speaking and listened intently for a moment as if they suspected someone was listening to their conversation. I prayed they would not investigate too thoroughly and find me hunkered down behind the crumbling wall of the abbey.

To my relief they continued their discussion after a time. "Stay to the plan." The hooded figure instructed. "I will inform you when we are ready to move to the next phase. It will not be long now."

They ended their secret meeting and the dark figure disappeared into the night. Shortly after the hooded man left, Sir Raulf started back to Dilston Manor. I waited for several minutes in the darkness hoping to avoid running into either man. I was sure a terrible fate would befall me if I was discovered.

I sat there in agony. Sir Raulf had betrayed us. The man I thought I could trust and count as a friend had deceived me. The worst part, and as I had secretly feared, he was not the only one. Someone else I knew was involved as well. Was there anyone I could trust? I felt very much alone at that moment and despair seemed to wash over me.

I thought of Warricks assurance that I could trust him. The truth was I really had no idea who he was. He was not the only one who claimed to be my ally. So did, Edric and Brom. Everyone in my life claimed to be trustworthy. There was no one I could go to for help. I had no choice but to figure out the mystery for myself and find Freddy on my own.

Sneaking back to Dilston Manor, I avoided the main corridors and slid past the great hall unnoticed. I was nearing my chambers when someone called my name. I turned to see Brom coming toward me.

"There you are Lady Thea! I have been looking everywhere for you." Brom exclaimed in his usual abrupt manor.

"Have you?"I asked slightly flustered. I did not want to admit to my whereabouts previously and hoped he would not pursue the topic further.

Changing the subject I inquired. "Is there something you needed to discuss with me?"

"I wanted to congratulate you my lady. I did not get the chance earlier, you were occupied every time I would approach you, and then you disappeared." He didn't appear to be put out; it was as if he were merely stating a fact.

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