Chapter 9: Unexpeted Visit

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Shocked beyond words, I rode Genevieve toward the meadow. After our disagreement previously, I was sure Brom would have been against my plan. And what was it he had said abut me being my father's daughter? I wasn't sure if he was complementing me or simply mocking me. Yet, he seemed quite sincere. I did not know what to make of the man. One moment he was rude and abrupt and the next he was singing my praises. Ahh the man was infuriating.

And yet, he was the reason the others finally agreed to trying my mad scheme. His confidence in me was bewildering. I didn't know whether to be grateful to the man or strangely perplexed by him. I would have to inquire of Jocelyn as to his strange manner. If she knew him as well as she claimed, she must have further insight into his behavior.

Halting Genevieve near a grouping of trees, I dismounted and stretched my stiff limbs. Breathing the fresh air into my lungs, I walked toward a mossy pond off a short distance. The water lilies were beginning to bloom and the slight breeze carried their scent to me. Genevieve whinnied behind me and nuzzled my hair.

"At least we understand one another, don't we old girl." She nudged me in reply and I stumbled a little and laughed at her antics.

The mood was light until I felt the hair stand up on my neck. I noticed Genevieve became restless and whinnied again. I was being watched, which bothered me more than I cared to admit. Looking about, I scanned the area. I saw nothing and cursed under my breath. Would there come a day that I wouldn't feel the need to look over my shoulder?

Running my hand along the saddle, I reached for my bow strapped to the side. I head a male voice behind me."That won't be necessary my lady." I turned and watched a man walk out from the trees. Panic set in as I realized the man was Lord Von Dane, the Earl's son.

Acting quickly, I picked up my bow and had an arrow pointed at his heart, ready to defend myself from my enemy. Calmly and with purpose he strode toward me, heedless of the arrow aimed at him.

Shaking his head he said gravely, "As I said before my lady, that won't be necessary. You really must be careful. You wouldn't want to harm an innocent man now would you?"

"Innocent?" I blurted out. "You may be many things Von Dane, But innocent isn't one of them." I spat. He continued to move toward me and I found myself backing up until I bumped into Genevieve.

He sighed and then contemplated me for a moment. "I am insulted that you imply that I have no honor." He defended himself.

"What is it you want?" I asked ignoring his comment. I looked around to see if there was anyone with him. He noted this and gave me a queer smile, cocking his head to one side.

"I am alone, if that is what you are wondering? Funny that you feel threatened when it is you that continues to aim that blasted arrow at me."

We regarded one another in silence for a moment. Finally, I lowered the arrow but did not relinquish my bow completely.

"I will ask you again, what is it you want?" I repeated when he didn't answer me.

"Oh, it is not a matter of wanting anything. I simply thought you might be interested in some information I have obtained. You see, I have looked into the matter of the thief that bore the same tattoo that my men wear." He paused a moment to take in my reaction.

"Have you come to confess?" I asked derisively.

"Confess? No my lady, I thought you might be interested to know that I have accounted for all of my men and none have any knowledge as to who these men might be."

"That can't be! What about the tattoo on the thief's hand? How do you explain the coincidence?" I replied incredulously.

He leaned closer and I attempted to hide my fear. I had no idea what this man was capable of. " I have no explanation for something I have no knowledge of. I can only conclude that someone wants you to think my family is behind the attacks and the disappearance of the Baron and Frederick.

"How do I know you are telling me the truth? You could be saying all of this to deceive me." I wasn't ready to believe him. I was not a simpleton and would not fall for his lies so easily.

"You are right, you do not know if I am telling you the truth or not. I can assure you, however, that I have no motivation to bring ruin to your family. Your safety and protection is very much in my interest. Bringing to light the truth of who is behind all of this, only serves to help me."

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