Chapter 1: Enchanted Woods

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AN: I would like to take just a moment and thank you for showing interest in my story! I hope you enjoy reading "Briar Woods" as much as I have writing it. This has been a project I've been working on for a couple of years and I feel like it is finally ready to share.

Feel free to comment. I would love to hear your feedback! I hope this will meet your expectations. If you enjoy what you read, don't forget to vote for my story!


I could hear the approach of horses in the distance as their hooves beat upon the sodden forest floor. I felt my horse Genevieve tense beneath me in anticipation. I stroked her sandy colored mane as she side stepped with nervousness. Once she seemed to calm, I reached for my bow.

The Briar Woods were know for being enchanted, at least by local common folk. There were many tales of strange and unexplainable disappearances. Most travelers we're safe if they kept to the road. Those that did not keep to the road, often disappeared never to be seen again. So the stories go, anyway.

I would not venture into the woods without provocation, and yet here I was.

If it were not for the report of thieves attacking and robbing the surrounding villages, I would not have ventured near the place. There had been many increasing number of attacks and witnesses claimed the thieves were hiding in Briar Woods.

As the horsemen drew near, I could see they were my father's men and I let out the breath I had been holding.

My father's most trusted man leading the others saw me and quickened his pace. I could see he was not pleased with me and I waited for the scolding I was sure to receive.

"My lady what possessed you to go off by yourself?" Sir Gregory, the distinguished knight with grey in his beard and lines on his face, demanded as he reigned in his stallion next to me.

All six riders came to a halt as he continued. "I should never have agreed to this blasted notion of yours. You are far too impulsive for your own good. How do you expect us to protect you if you are constantly disappearing?"

I silently waited for him to finish. I knew how responsible he felt, especially under the circumstances.

"My apologies, Sir Gregory. I found tracks and thought they might belong to our thieves. One moment you were right behind me and then I became disoriented and I could not see anyone."

Sir Gregory's face seemed to relax and he admonished, "All the more reason to be careful Lady Thea. You know these woods cannot be trusted nor anything that lurks here. I know your father has trained you well and you fight as well as any man, but not even you can defend yourself against an unseen enemy."

"That is what I find so bizarre; why would thieves hide out in these woods? Even the most hardened of criminals would be leery of taking refuge in the Briar." As I spoke I felt a strange chill tingle across my skin and I noted that the other men and their horses seemed I'll at ease.

"Might I suggest we head back to Dilston Manor now my lady? We do not want to find ourselves here after night fall. Whoever thought they saw thieves hiding in these woods must have been mistaken." Sir Gregory admonished.

"Let us linger here no further, hopefully we will reach the glade before nightfall." I said to my men.

We traveled swiftly, and as time passed so did the afternoon sun with it. I was concerned that we would not reach the glade before darkness set in. The glade skirted the woods to the east and once there I knew we would all breath a sigh of relief. I did not want Sir Gregory or the other men to doubt me and I did my best to appear unaffected.

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