Chapter 18: Celebration

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Fern had directed me to follow the same path that had led me to her cottage. When I voiced my concern at losing the trail and becoming lost again, she indicated that once I became lost I would find my men.

As I continued to trudge through the thick bush and dense trees, I began to wonder if I would ever find them. Just when I had given up hope, I thought I heard voices off in the distance. I stopped short and listened intently. A moment later the sound of rustling and snapping twigs underfoot caught my attention. I placed my hand on my sword, not sure if I was about to find myself face to face with friend or foe.

A man broke through the trees a moment later. When I saw his face I realized it was Brom. Before I could say anything, he swept me into a fierce hug. "Thea, are you well?: Brom asked a concerned look crossing his face. "I was so worried we may not find you.: He continued.

Just then Sir Gregory appeared, followed by the rest of the men. "What in God's name happened?" Sir Gregory demanded. "What would have possessed you to dart off into the trees like that?"

I shook my head, "Something spooked Genevieve. She took off running and I could not stop." I explained. "then I hit a branch and was knocked to the ground. I believe I was unconscious for a time."
"What is that on your forehead?" Brom asked.

I gingerly touched my brow line and remembered the poultice. I wasn't sure how to explain without mentioning Fern. I wasn't sure who among my men were trustworthy and I didn't want to reveal too much. Fern's warning about someone close to me betraying my family, echoed through my mind.

"When I fell and hit my head it left a nasty cut and I put some mud on it to help stop the bleeding." I hoped my explanation would be sufficient. To my relief they didn't question me further.

"How long have I been lost?" I asked I must have been with Fern for some time, but I felt so disoriented I couldn't be sure.

"Ten or fifteen minutes, I'd say." Sad Sir Gregory.

"Oh, it felt longer than that." I said in surprise. "These woods really have a way of disorienting a person."

A moment later, Genevieve came traipsing through the trees munching on the foliage as she did. She behaved as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

"You naughty girl." I scolded patting her lovingly. She whinnied and mussed my hair in reply.

No one felt inclined to make camp another night, and after I assured them I was well enough to ride we rode through the Briar as quickly as we could. We reached Dilston Manor late into the evening.

As I lay in my bed that night I thought of Freddy held captive in an unknown location, bound and beaten. I went over the image in my mind and tried to find a clue that would help me find him. What frightened me the most, was that someone I knew was either responsible or knew about Freddy. Who could I trust? Who should I not trust? Whoever they were, what would they do to me? What role did I play in all of this? Whatever it was, I had a sinking feeling that I was soon to find out. I felt a chill go down the length of my spine.

The only thing that gave me a small measure of hope, was the knowledge that, if Freddy was still alive. It meant the very real possibility that my father was as well. My instincts were right all along. I will find you both, I spoke aloud. I promise I will find you! I repeated as an oath.

Over the next few days, I went about my normal activities as if nothing was amiss. We continued to train with our new recruits who were showing continuous improvement. I couldn't help but grin with pride. My plan had worked and I felt my success gave me more credence among my counterparts. Even Sir Gregory seemed impressed with what we accomplished. I knew how much he had been against it from the beginning.

In the back of my mind, I couldn't help but question all of my men. I tried to think on their behavior over the last several months. I hoped I could ascertain anything out of the ordinary that would give me an idea of who had betrayed us. Alas, I could not fathom that any of them could turn against my family. I was left with only one option; I would have to start following them and see if I could catch someone in their betrayal.

In celebration of our new recruits, all of the men had gathered in the great hall and were drinking ale and having a merry time. A minstrel played his mandolin and several of the men, and a few women that had accompanied them, danced enjoying the excitement of the moment. I was grateful for the boost in morale, and yet, I wondered how long this seemingly peaceful time would last. Lost in thought I did not notice someone had walked up next to me. Startled, I turned to see Warrick there.

"My apologies, my lady Thea, I did not mean to startle you." He apologized.

I smiled in return. I wasn't sure what it was about him, but I felt very comfortable and at ease in his presence.

"What are you thinking about right now?" He inquired

I looked at him for a moment not sure how to explain my apprehension. "I was thinking that, I'm glad everyone is having a good time and wondering how long it will be before everything falls apart around me."

"Why should everything fall apart?" He asked curiously?

"Do you ever wonder if you are being played for a fool? That you know you are in over your head, but you have no choice but to go along as if you have everything under control. And yet, you know deep down that it is someone else who is really in control and you are merely a pawn in someone elses game." Not believing the words that came out of my mouth, I looked over at Warrick and wondered if he thought I was being irrational and overly dramatic.

He gave me a sad smile and said reassuringly, "Do not fear my dear. You are very much capable of making it through these difficult times, and know that you are not alone in this. You do not have to carry such a heavy burden all by yourself." He reassured comfortingly.

"But who am I able to trust?" I asked with a tremor in my voice.

"You can trust me Thea." he replied with conviction.

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