"Do you just assume that every PR relationship is used to cover up someone's sexuality?"

"No. It's just what I was told. Roger told me everything when we drew this thing up."

I stared back at the older man, completely taken aback.

"Camila...", he said as he placed a hand on my shoulder, "It's alright, love. I'm not telling anyone."

"No, Matthew, you don't understand. There's nothing to tell."


Suddenly, the door to my dressing room opened and Matthew and I both turned to see who had entered. Roger walked in with his famous 'what a great show' smile which only widened upon seeing the two of us.

"Hey, you two! Great work out there, as always." he said as he approached us.

"Roger, we need to talk." I said sternly.

I watched Roger's smile fade as he observed the serious expressions on both Matthew's and my face.

"Is everything ok?" he asked.

"I should go." Matthew spoke up.

"Oh, come on! You don't have to go." Roger said as he placed a hand on Matthew's shoulder.

"I think I do. Goodnight, Roger. Camila."

With that, Matthew disappeared out into the hallway, closing the door behind him and leaving me alone with my manager. Roger slowly turned to face me, kinking an eyebrow.

"What just happened?" Roger asked.

"Did you tell Matthew I was lesbian?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"Uh...what happened, sweetie?"

"Answer me, Roger."

"Yes, I did."


He stared back at me with a puzzled expression, his jaw slightly ajar as if he was about to say something but had forgotten the words.

"Because...that's the point, Camila." he finally said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Sweetheart, this whole thing was to make you look straight...I...I thought we both knew that."

"I-I know that you're trying to propel my straight image but...I never said I was gay."

Rogers lips formed into a firm line, his brow now furrowed. I had never seen him look so confused in my entire life.

"But...Lauren...and..." he began.

"It doesn't matter.", I cut him off, "I never ever told you, or anyone, for that matter, what I am and I don't appreciate you telling people your assumptions as if they're the truth."

"Camila, I—"

"If the world wasn't so freaking judgmental and scary then maybe I wouldn't have a panic attack anytime I tried to figure it all out!"


"And if you guys weren't so pushy then maybe we wouldn't even need Matthew! Maybe I could actually fall in love and maybe it could be a guy and maybe it couldn't! But that's not the case! The case is that I'm being constantly told what to do and how to act and now I'm being told who I can love?"

"Camila, please."

"Que esta pasando (What's going on)?"

Roger and I both turned towards the door to see none other than my mother storming in, a panicked look on her face. The second we made eye contact, I rushed over to her and wrapped my arms around her neck, burying my face into her shoulder.

Thinking of Your Skin: The Truth Behind Camren - Book Twoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें