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No ones POV

Yoonji quietly opened the dorm door, all of the members are asleep.... he went to the kitchen then opened the fridge to drink some water, As he closed the fridge door he was startled by taehyung looking at him...

"Where were you, noona" he asked
"U-umm just a friend" Yoonji answered
"Were you with kihyun?" Taehyung asked again
"Ahhh why do you keep asking me questions...I'm sleepy I need to get some nap" Yoonji said lazily
"Huh?...Did you not sleep? Did something happen between you and kihyun all night" Taehyung said
"W-what!! How could you say that!" Yoonji raised her voice
"Why are you still sleepy when its already 8AM???" Taehyung also raised his voice
"why!!! Were you thinking of something dirty!!!" Yoonji said loudly
"Huh?....did you mean something happened between you and kihyun" Taehyung raised his voice a little

Yoonji was so upset, she immediately went upstairs, her steps were as loud as an earthquake (sorry for the exaggeration) and slammed her door... she lay down her bed, but then she felt something moving beside her.... she removed the blanket and there she saw Jimin napping on her bed, she screamed that made Jimin woke up

"Ahh, keep quiet noona" Jimin said while scratching his head
"S-sorry... wait what, why should I say sorry you were sleeping in my room and on my bed!!" Yoonji screamed
"I-I just.... miss you noona" jimin said embarassed

Yoonji did not see that coming... yoonji stood quiet for a while

"Noonaa..are you upset? Sorry.." jimin said
"No not at all" Yoonji said smiling

She was touched by what jimin said, they have been friends for a long time... and she thought that she would also miss jimin..... but then.... she saw jimin holding one of her panties....

"Why are you holding that!!! Pervert!!!" Yoonji screamed in disturbance
"Huh.... I told you I missed you didn't I?? Jimin said and smirked at him

Jimin was a complete molester
"Jimin!! Get out before I kicked your ass out!!" Yoongi screamed
"Ahhh I would like that" Jimin said with a pervy face

Yoonji immediately pushed jimin until he completely leave the room. She took a nap then someone knock on her door... she didn't answer then someone knocked on her window suddenly... again she was disturb she opened her window, she didn't see anyone then she looked down then saw jin have fallen from her window she was shocked then immediately went downstairs to help jin

"Ahh ow my back hurts!!" Jin
"Hyung are you okay?" Yoonji said worried
"Hyung!!! Why hyung!!! Call me oppa" jin screamed
"O-oppa!!! Are you okay?" Yoonji asked in exaggeration
"That's more like it" jin said laughing

They both went inside...

"Oppa here let me help you.... put off your clothes" Yoonji said

Jin had second thoughts if he would take off his clothes or not

"How will I heal you if you won't put off your clothes!" Yoonji raised her voice
"Ahh right" Jin said with embarassment

Jin raised his arms while yoonji is busy wrapping the bandage on jin's chest.

"What were you doing up there?" yoonji suddenly asked
"I just went to check up on you" jin answered
"Well, I'm fine" she coldly said
"That's...... great" Jin awkwardly said

After yoonji has finish treating jin she immediately went up to her room again, she stayed there for the whole afternoon, she only went outside when she suddenly felt hunger, and only ate three spoons of salad, then again went upstairs to her room but before she could reach the doorknob someone suddenly grabbed her hand, it was.... jungkook!

Jungkook grabbed yoonji's arm then ran, downstairs

"Where are we going?" Yoonji asked loudly
"Noona.... I have something to show you!" Jungkook said

They went down then, went in the car jungkook was the one driving

"Hey Jungkook where are we going!?" Yoonji asked panicking
"You'll see" Jungkook smiled at yoonji

Jungkook was driving fast...

"Hey jungkook, you're driving to fast!" Yoonji was screaming
"I will slow down if you take off your choker" Jungkook said smirking at her
"... So be it!" Yoonji bluntly said but deep inside, she's really panicking

The car suddenly stopped

"Yoonji, we're finally here" jungkook said cheerfully

Then jungkook immediately went outside to open yoonji's door, he lend his hand to her as if she's a princess. As yoonji take a step out of the vehicle she tripped then went to jungkook's arms... then her gaze was mesmerized by jungkook's face with the sunset's light brushing up to his hair....she can't help but to only stare at him...

"Noona, let's go..." Jungkook cheerfully said

Yoonji's mind suddenly went blank. Then jungkook took her hand, that's when yoonji just realized that they were at the beach.... the sunset was beautiful, the sun's rise perfectly compliments the dusk sky... it was really beautiful...

"You like it noona?" Jungkook asked
"T-thank you.." Yoonji shyly said
"Huh? Why?" Jungkook asked
"No it's nothing... I just like it that's all" Yoonji said

But what they did not know is... there was a fangirl coincidenly passing by, she saw yoonji and jungkook... and started taking pictures of them...

On the other hand....

Jungkook and yoonji is still enjoying the sight, yoonji's choker accidentally fell off.. Yoonji realizes it and was shocked....

"Noona....let's have a drink" jungkook asked

But yoonji did not say anything... and just gave a thumbs up

"Soju or beer?" Jungkook asked again

But yoonji still didn't cast a single word

"Hey why are you not talking??" Jungkook was worried

Then he suddenly tickled yoonji... Yoonji burst out laughing.... and jungkook was surprised of what he heard....


Awiee I don't know why my besftriend is such a fast writer!! Anyways thankss.....
Planning to make 30+ chapter

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