Chapter Fourteen

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Maka's POV - 

It's been two weeks since re-enrolled in the DWMA. I still sit by myself at lunchtimes, which is okay with me. Nobody has actually found out who I am yet, and I'm grateful for that. Last thing I need is people spreading rumors about -the dead girl who went missing for two years and everyone thought she was dead but she came back as a three star Hybrid-. No, I don't need that kind of negativity in my life. I now walk to Deathbucks, which is actually only a short way from where I'm staying. I enter the shop and order myself a coffee, and sit in one of the booths at the back, where the least people possible can see me. 

As I take a sip of my drink, I feel the warmth take over my body. Today is sunday, and I have a mission to go on. By myself. I have about an hour to spare though, so right now I'm just waking around Death City. To be honest, nothing has changed all that much. Except the old hotel in 3rd ave has been demolished and replaced with an apartment building. Aside from that, nothing. I finish my coffee and leave, heading back towards the apartment that I now live in. Because of the new Apartment building, I was able to find a cheap apartment on one of the lower floors. 

I reach the entrance to the building when I bump into someone.

"Hey! Watch it!"

The guy says.

"How about you watch it?"

I retort, and push past him. In the last two years or so, I've gained a really cocky attitude that I'm not entirely proud of. I walk into my room and change into a red skirt, along with a leather jacket and hoodie underneath. Both black. I put my cargo boots on and head out the door. Time to get my mission on. 

I walk along the streets of a nearby town, searching for a kishin. He seems to keep stealing all the money from the towns bank, and usually makes appearances between four and five 'O'Clock. I decide to head towards the bank first, jumping up onto one of the rooves and continuing from there. I jumpt from rooftop to rooftop, and almost miss as I get closer to the bank. I stop on a roff right across the road from it, and wait. 

After a little while, no appearances. But then, I sense another soul. This one is quite close by, I can feel it. I crouch lower down on the rooftop, only breathing lightly and trying not to move around too much. I see the character come into view, and, with that, I pounce. I land right ontop of his shoulders, but he grabs me and pulls me down to the ground. Shinigami, he's good. He tries to strangle me but I fight his grasp, and wriggle free. I run at him again, but he just pushes my body out of the way. I fall to the ground. I stop and think about it for a while. I see that he leaves his left side unguarded and free for attack, so I wait for a good angloe before pouncing again. I run, ready for contact and knowing exactly where I want to hit, when I see a familiar figure come out of the shadows, and slice the kishin in two. It's soul wavers there for a second before a single tanned hand grabs it and swallows it.

"Thanks, I needed that."

Soul said as he stepped out of the shadows. I try to contain my anger, but it's not that easy.

"God damnit! That was my mission!"

I yell.

"Yea, well. It was mine too. Just cause you got the mission, don't mean I can't do the mission."

Soul says, cocking his head to the side.

"Ugh! Guys are all the same!"

I yell.

"They're all stupid, ignorant pigs!"

I stomp away, and jump back onto the rooftop where I had just been hiding. I gave him one last glare before turning around and jumping off of the other side. I hate Soul. 

Soul's POV - 

I watch as she disappears off the top of the roof, flipping and disappearing. I sigh. My head is swimming with thoughts of Aika. That skirt... It.. Almost.. Looks.. Like... No! Maka's dead, you baka. Face it. I shake my head. I still wonder why she chooses to do missions even though she can't eat them, or benefit from the either. She's already level three, so why? I shrug it off and start to walk back to my bike, which is parked down an alley. I rev it up, and drive down the road in which Aika disappeared. 

Maka's POV - 

Screw Shinigami! I had that one under control! I think as I run back to Death City. As I jump from building to building, I notice a familiar vechile driving along the long pavement road. Soul's bike. I shake my head and continue heading back. I'll get him next time. Baka. 

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