Chapter Thirteen

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Soul's POV - 

Damnit! My cheeks heat up and my blood boils. I've never lost an in-school fight before! And this one didn't even last two minutes! Geez, that is so not cool. My teeth grind together in agitation, and I can feel Aika's eyes on me. Albeit she's probably laughing on the inside. I continue to look forward in my seat until class is over.

I storm out of the classroom when the bell rings, not waiting for Tsubaki or Black*Star. I head for the gym. I need to cool off. After about three minutes of playing Upstairs-Downstairs, I finally make it to the gym. But, when I get there, I realize I'm seeing the last person I want to see. Her. 

She stands at a blue punching bag, kicking and shouting as she works out. She's got her hoodie on still, but she's changed from jeans to a pair of leggings. I ignore her and walk over to another punching bag, and take my shirt off. I start to punch, ignoring everyone and everything. That's it, let at least a little bit of the anger go...

Maka's POV -

I punch hard, harder, harder. I don't stop. I can feel the adrenaline course through my body as my skin makes contact with the rough material. I hear footsteps, but keep punching, never looking away from my target.  I hear a bag drop, and my curiosity gets the best of me. I shift my eyes a little, to get a glance of who's in the room with me. I realize that it si Soul, and my heart starts to beat faster. My hands get a thousand times sweatier in a matter of seconds, but I continue to workout. No way is Soul Evans going to take me away from my focus. This is why I ran away. Because Soul didn't need me. And, I wouldn't admit to myself that I, Maka Albarn, was in love with him. 

I continue to punch, and keep my eyes focused ahead of me as Soul takes the spot next to me, and starts punching his Punch-Bag. After about five minutes, Soul speaks.

"What are you?"

He says, continuing to punch. Damn, he looks good shirtless. Focus!

"What do you mean by that?"

I say nonchalantly.

"I mean, you can't just be that good."

He says rather bluntly. I take a deep breath. I'm not supposed to be talking to him.

"You really want to know?"

I say, hesitant to answer.

"If I didn't want to know, I wouldn't have asked the question."

He snaps. Oh well, here goes nothing.

Soul's POV - 

I wait for an answer from Aika. Finally, she speaks.

"I'm good, because.."

She struggles to say the next part, and I urge for her to go on.

"It's.. It's.. Because.. Because I'm a Three Star Hybrid."

She says calmly. Seriously?! No wonder she bet me! She's at least a level higher than me! Geez, getting beaten by girl - A Three Star Hybrid Girl in fact - Is so uncool! I feel my blood boil, and anger starts to rise. I stop punching, and look straight at Aika, who's hood is still lowered over her face. I realize just now that she never ever goes anywhere without wearing a hoodie.


Oh god. I said that out loud.

"Why what?"

She asks.

"W-Why do you always wear a hoodie?"

I reply, my anger going down a bit. She stutters again for a moment before saying,

"Because. I don't want anyone to see my face."

She says confidently.

"Why not?"

I ask. "Because. I don't. Why do you like people seeing your face?!"

Aika replies. The harshness in her tone puts an end to the conversation right there. 

I stop punching and go over to the floor, where my shirt and jacket lay. I pull them both back on and turn to leave.


Aika says as I reach the doors. I start alittle, surprised she'd say that.

"Oh, uh.. Bye."

I say, and leave. Smooth, Soul. Real smooth.

Maka's POV - 

I stand there for a moment after Soul leaves, and continue to punch the bag. Sigh. Isn't love just wonderful? 

I leave school at about 4:30 and start making my way to the inn I'm currently staying at. There's so much floating in my head right now, all I need is sleep. Sleep will fix everything. I walk down the road to my current accomodation, and, once I get there, I walk through and go straight upstairs to my room. I pull my clothes off and take a warm, hot shower. I haven't had time to myself in ages. 

As soon as I get out of the shower, I put on my pj's and wrap myself up in the blankets like a caterpillar. I slowly drift off to sleep. 

Run Away, But I Won't Follow [Soma Fanfic Soul X Maka]Where stories live. Discover now