Chapter Five

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Maka's POV - 

Its been a month since my 'Drunken Stage Phase One' As Soul likes to call it, and I can honestly say that I am NEVER drinking again. So, unfortunately, there will NEVER EVER be a Drunken Stage phase Two.

I now sit outside the steps of the DWMA, deciding whether or not to tell Soul. A few weeks ago, I realized I had feelings for Soul, and now I just don't know what to do. I've been sitting out here for at least an hour and school has already started. I sigh and start to head to class. I am in such deep shit. 

I walk into Dr.Stein's class and plonk myself down on my seat, ignoring all the stares from the people in the class, especially Souls.

"Miss Albarn."

Stein says, looking up from his computer.

"Why are you late?" He asks, and I reply with a shrug.

"Well then, Miss Albarn, I'll be seeing you after school today in detention."

Ah, same as always. For the past month, things have gone downhill. Basically, since my feelings for Soul emerged. My grades went downhill. My studying stopped, and I started avoiding Soul as much as possible. I've been late to class almost everyday, and I haven't done my homework in weeks. 

I've recently started being late for class to either avoid Soul for longer, or because I'm stuck outside sitting on the DWMA steps like an idiot. 

I just lean back in my seat until class is over. 

Soul's POV - 

I look over at Maka, who has just come in late. Again. Lately, something has been kind of off, but I won't dare ask her about it. Last time I did, I got Maka-Chops at 4:00 every day For a week. And what did I do? Ask her a simple question. That's Maka for you. 

She looks tired, and is slumped in her seat, barely listening. Usually, she sits up straight and alert, paying attention to every single little detail, but as of recent, she's been slacking. And when I say slacking, I mean, Slacking Slacking. There's a pile of un-done homework on her usually-tidy-desk to prove it. Her bed is almost never made now (It used to always be folded down tightly) and she's almost always late to class now. I feel like I'm missing something. 

I still haven't told her my feelings, and I don't intend to. I mean, what if she doesn't like me back? She has been avoiding me alot. Also, I only just noticed that we haven't resonated in like, a month... I wonder what's up....

Maka's POV - 

I now stand by my locker, putting all my books away and grabbing my other books for the next class. Just as I'm about to leave, a hand bangs the lockers next to mine, and I turn my head to meet a set of beautiful, intriguing... No, No! Maka! Stop it!  Soul stands next to me, a sour yet worried look on his face.

"What's up?"

He says, looking deeply into my eyes.

"Same old. Why do you ask?"

I reply.

"No, I mean, What's up?! You've been acting strange for ages now and everybody's noticed it."

Soul says. I look at him, my cheeks heating up a bit.

"What? No I haven't. Geez! Why does everybody keep saying that!?"

My cheeks are full on red now and basically everyone is staring at me, but I don't care.

"I-I'm going to class."

I say, turning to leave, but Soul grasps my forearm before I can escape.

"Soul! Let Go of me!"

I yell, causing an even bigger scene.


He says, determination in his eyes and tone.

"I. Said.. LET GO!"

I say, and at that, a sharp blade comes out of my side, barely missing Souls waist. He lets go in shock, and I make a break for it. 

Soul's POV - 

What was that? I think to myself as Maka runs out of the building. My side hurts where Maka's blade just missed me, and I rub it. Wait... Maka's blade?! But.. Maka's a meister.. What?! I notice that everyone is looking at me weirdly, and I bare my sharp teeth at them, and they quickly look away. 

Maka's POV - 

I sprint as fast as I can, through the halls and down the front steps, I turn a croner and make a break for it. Why? Why did this happen to me?! Stupid feelings for soul, Stupid school, Stupid everything.  I think as I run and run and run, never ever ever stopping. 

Soul's POV - 

I get back home around four, dropping my keys on the kitchen table and making my self a sandwich. I sit down on the couch and flick on the TV, waiting for Maka to come home from Detention. 

After I've watched this sappy romance movie, I flick the channel to see that there is a documentary on Meister Vs Weapon again. I sit and watch as the female meister and the male Weapon fight eachother, reminding me of Maka and I. After about thirty minutes, I fall asleep on the couch, a half eaten sandwich on my lap. 

I wake up to the sound of screeching, and rush to Maka's room. When I peer inside though, Maka isn't in her bed, and I realize that it's ten o'clock at night. I run back out and find the source of the scream. I find that there's a horror movie on, and that bloody Freddy Kruger is about to kill some random chick. I sigh. That's all it was. But then, I start to wonder. Where the hell is Maka? 

Maka's POV - 

I kneel in the middle of a road. Don't ask what road it is, because I honestly don't know. I think I'm somewhere between Italy and Death City, although I can definetely tell that it's well past 9:00. I wipe the tears away from my eyes, forcing myself to hold them back. 

Although, it doesn't work, and the water-works start again. I sit there for about ten minutes before I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn, but nobody's there. Scary. Thinking it was just a trick of the wind or whatever, I continue to cry. Then, I hear something.

"Hey. What's up?"

I turn around to face a pale guy with blond hair and light blue eyes. He wears a loose T-Shirt and a bone necklace, along with a pair of Maroon pants and some white sneakers.

"Hi there. My name's Kazuto."

He says.


I say, standing up.

"My name's Maka." 

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