Chapter Two

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Maka's POV -

Sitting on the back of Souls bike is not helping my situation. I mentally kick myself for letting myself get as drunk as I did last night; I didn't even enjoy the taste. 

I groan in pain as I feel my massive headache worsen, and I feel like I'm going to vomit. How Soul handles a hangover, I'll never know. 

"Maka?" Soul asks nervously. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just the hangover."

It takes a few more minutes silence and two more groans of pain before we finally make it to the DWMA - and all in one piece as well. As soon as I step off the bike though, my legs give way and I feel a draft as I fall to the ground. I prepare to feel the harsh slap of the concrete against my body, but only meet warm fingers. I open my eyes and find Soul had caught me. I look up at him and notice that his eyes are filled to the brim with worry, which surprises me. He's worried that much? 

We stay there for a few seconds before I begin to feel sick again, and I cough a little to ease the awkward tension. Soul quickly lets me go and stands us upright, leaving a cold ghost of his hand on my waist. He starts to walk off silently, making sure to keep a safe distance away from me.  

We finally make it into the school, where I can see Liz and Patty, but no Kid.

"Where's Kid?" Soul asks, scanning the halls.
"He's at home. Major hangover," Liz replies, filing her nails as usual. I lean against Soul for support since right now I feel like shit, and Liz gives me a weird look while Patty giggles. "Oh, Soul, Why couldn't I stay home?" I ask, frustrated. I could have stayed home, damnit! "Because. We have a test today and I know for a fact that if you missed it, you'd be angry at me for not getting you to school." I groan again, not wanting to agree that he's right. 

But I have a headache... 

The bell rings, but I can't hear it since all there is is fuzzy static and a pounding drum. I know the bell rings because everyone starts rushing to class, and I end up getting dragged along since I'm not fast enough. I close my eyes and kind of just stumble across the halls. 

I hate hangovers.

Soul's POV -

We walk to class, Maka putting all of her weight on me again. Just before we get to class, though, Maka vomits. Oh, Maka. I pull her away from the mess, which is obviously filled with at least 90% Alchohol, the other 10% breakfast.  

"C'mon, Maka. I'm taking you to Stein."

I say, pulling her away from the classroom. As I leave though, I hear murmurs and laughter from inside the classroom. Obviously, those people haven't been hungover before. But I have, and I know exactly how Maka feels.

We head towards the Medical Office, where Dr.Stein sits backwards on his swivel chair.

"What's the problem?"

Stein says as he takes a puff of his cigarette.


I say. Stein nods and tells me to put Maka on one of the sick-beds. Afterwards, he tells me to leave, but I refuse. Stein doesn't press any further, and I just sit there for the next thirty minutes as Maka is given some medicine and is left to rest.

"Thank-you Soul for your loyalty towards Miss. Albarn, but you will have to leave to class now."

Stein says. I sigh, standing up and walking over to Maka. I pull my hand up and gently wipe away the fringe in her closed eyes. "Rest well, Maka."

Is all I say, before leave and close the door shut behind me.

Run Away, But I Won't Follow [Soma Fanfic Soul X Maka]Where stories live. Discover now