Chapter Four

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Maka's POV - 

I'm sitting in Ms.Maries class half asleep as she goes on and on about astronomy or something, but the truth, I'm not really listening. Instead, my head is rested on Souls shoulder, and I'm practically drooling. My eyes are about to close shut when a pair of fingers snap in front of my face. 

I jolt, and look up to the person that did it. Soul sits there smirking.

"Ugh. Soul, what?" I mutter.

"You comfortable there?"


I say, and close my eyes once again.

Soul's POV - 

I sit there and watch Maka as her breathing becomes slow against my chest. We may be in class - in public, with people around us- But I can't help but blush at least a little bit. I don't think Maka has noticed yet, but my heart is beating faster than it should be. Stop it, Soul Geez, you are so uncool! 

I shake the thought from my head, and tunr around to face Ms.Marie. 

For the next twenty minutes of class time, Ms.Marie lets us do whatever we want, and I turn to face Maka, who is still sleeping, but has moved from my shoulder to lap, her face looking up at me through her messy bangs. I go to move her hair out of her eyes, but quickly catch myself. 

 That was close. I think, and pull my hand up slowly. Instead, I turn my head to speak to Black*Star, who keeps talking about how he's going to surpass god. Ugh. I wonder about him sometimes. 

Okay guys, please don't kill me! I know this was kindof a filler chapter'n'all, but I just COMPLETELY clucked when I went to write. Please, forgive meh! Tell ur friends about this book! Sorry, thts all I've got for you, but I'll be updating more! tomorrow is half-day at school, because a teacher died on Sunday and her funeral is at 1:30 or so, so I'll be able to type up another chap for u guys! Luv u all, Jol 

Run Away, But I Won't Follow [Soma Fanfic Soul X Maka]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin