Chapter Eight (Symmetrical!!!!)

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Maka's POV- 

It's been two months; I'm doing fine. Kazuto and I have started training together, and I discovered that I'm a hybrid. I found out a few weeks after my blade almost hit Soul in our argument. It happened one day when I was having a bad dream about Soul. I dreamt that Soul had died right infront of me, and I couldn't do anything about it. Everytime I think of Soul though, my heart aches and I get a really bad sweat. So I try not to dwell on those sorts of thoughts. 

"Soul Resonance! Go!"

I shout, holding Kazuto in the middle of the park. We've tried many times to Soul Resonate, but our souls just aren't compatible. We decided to give it one more try, and if that it didn't work we would stop. I feel a gust of wind as our souls start to resonate, but then a harsh electric current as our Resonance rebounds. I land about a metre or two away from where I was standing, and ache in my back. Great, now I'm a granny. 

I walk over to Kazuto, who's sitting in the pond that he obviously got thrown into when our Resonance broke.

"Well, that didn't work."

Kazuto chuckles. Go figure.

"Yea, well, that's it. Sorry."

"That's alright"

He says. He stands up and walks over to me, towering over me with his almost six foot frame.

"Let's go get something to eat."

He says, and we walk together to go get some lunch. 

After lunch, Kazuto and I head back to the apartment, where I kick my feet up on the coffee table and Kazuto sits next to me on the couch.

"Ya know, since we can't resonate, I'm thinking that you should use that hybrid thing to your advantage."

He says, scratching the back of his neck. I smile, and with that, my solo-act has begun. 

Soul's POV - 

I sit in Dr. Stein's class once again, not listening to whatever he's talking about. It's been two months since Maka vanished, and there's been no trace of her anywhere. A few weeks ago, Kid told me that it would be better if I just forgot about Maka, so that's what I did. For the past few weeks, I've made sure that I never had free time, so that I would never have to think about Maka. I sit here, rolling my pencil back and forth on the sloping desk, and just resting my head in my hand. 

After Dr.Steins finished trying to dissect Patty, the bell rings. I've started hanging out with the group again, and I've even found a way to have fun. Black*Star, Kid and I have really gotten into this video game, and we're almost finished the Boss Level of level 159. Liz and Patty have decided notto talk about Maka when I'm around, and Tsubaki is usually quiet. Crona has ditched Ragnarok in favor of a new weapon called Yuno. Yuno's nice enough, you could say, but she can really throw a punch when she wants to. Currently, I'm walking down the Wing where Maka's locker is, but this time, I just keep walking. I don't even look at it. Things have gotten easier, although I still wake up in a sweat sometimes from dreams about Maka, but other than that I've been coping pretty well. 

I walk down the hall and to the right, heading for the Mess-Hall. I find the group waiting for me at their usual table, and I wave to them. I've managed to get some of my cool back, although Maka has probably permanently stolen 90% of it. 

I head for the table, and sit next to Kid and Tsubaki, with Crona and Yuno across from me. Patty and Liz sit either side of them, while Black*Star sits quite close to Tsubaki. He's basically shouting in her ear, talking about how bad the schools food is and how it's not fit for a god such as himself. I sigh. Everytime equals atleast three facepalms. 

When school is finished, I hear my name called out over the intercom. I make my way to Lord Deaths room, and see a distraught looking Spirit and a not so happy Death.


I say.

"Hello, Soul. I just wanted to say that we may not understand what's going on with the whole Maka situation for you, but for right now, your school life is in jeopardy. You haven't completed one mission since Maka disappeared, and we're afraid in order for you to pass this years classes, you have to collect at least three souls. Now, we have found a solution, and you probably won't like it."

Death paused, prompting me to ask him what it is.


I ask nervously, giving them both a sly look.

"Well, the thing is... You have to find a new meister, Soul." 

Okay! Before you all digitally maka chop me, I'm sorry this chap is so short I've been trying to make my chapters longer but its so damn hard! Anyways, tell meh what u think luv u's <3 - Touka

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