Chapter Eleven

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Maka's POV - 

It's been about a 18 months now, and I still haven't been back to the academy. That's why I'm here. Although I have to admit, I do feel kind of bad abandoning all of my friends. Especially Tsubaki. I left without an explanation and they all probably think I'm long dead. Now I stand on the outskirts of Death City, and take a deep breath. This is it. I think to myself as I walk into the city that once used to be my home. I walk to the DWMA, which just happens to be slap-bam in the middle of town.  I walk up to the large gates that contains the worlds best Weapon/Meister academy. The DWMA. I take another deep breath, and enter the steel black gates. I pull my hoodie over my face and run up the steps without even breaking a sweat. I walk through the doors, and immdiately feel everybody's eyes on me. I keep my head down and make sure my hoodie is fully covering my eyes. 

It's only seven in the morning, so I have about thirty minutes until class starts. I head straight to reception and recieve my time table. The first thing I do is go to the gym inside the school. As I walk through the school, I realize it hasn't changed all that much. The walls are still yellow, and the lockers, red. The Mission Board still hangs where it was, and even the classrooms are in the same spots. When I get to the gym, I change into my P.E bra and shorts, and start punching a punching bag. I hit it once, twice, three times. I start kicking it when one of my blades lashed out, splitting the punching back and making some of the stuffing come out. Shit. Luckily, there's nobody around, so nobody will be able to prove I did that. 

After about twenty minutes of working out, I change back into my cargo pants and hoodie, along with my combat boots. I walk out and head towards the old wing, wherr my old locker is. I open it, and shove all of my stuff in. I recieve dirty looks from people, and it takes me a second to realize that the person who's locker I'm using is most probably - around these parts, dead. I quickly close the locker and lock it, forcing my way throught the mass of people. On my timetable it says that I have Dr. Stein's class, so I head there first. I decided that I'd enroll myself in the Eat class, considering I'm so close to finishing my 3 Star Level. I thought I'd finish my leveling where I started it. I walk into the class, but not before I pull my hoodie down over my eyes. Nobody can see me. I hand my slip to Stein. I don't recieve a look from him though, because I'd enrolled myself with a different name. To every-one else, I'm known as Aika. But to myself, I'm still Maka. Maka Albarn. 

The bell rings and a few strays from outside run into the class. I look around for anyone that I know, and my eyes land on a tall boy with white hair and piercing crimson eyes. I see him look my way, and I look for others I might know. I try not to keep my gaze on him for too long. I find Tsubaki and Black*Star in the far corner of the room.


Dr. Stein says, and he motions for the class to be quiet.

"Today, students we have a new student in our class. Her name is Aika."

Everybody looks at me; I'm still standing next to Stein's desk. 


Stein starts.

"Tell us about yourself."  

"Well, I was solo for almost two years, I love books and I am seventeen years old."

I say.

"Thank-you Aika. You can go sit at the back, in the empty seat."


I say, and make my way across the room. My heart beats faster and faster as I get closer and closer to Soul. He eyes me carefully, as though he can see right through my hood. I keep my head down and keep on walking. 

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