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  After Carmen gave her body to Michael, strange things started happening every day. Snakes seemed to follow her everywhere as a constant reminder. She would find them behind her bed, in her closet, in the the bathroom. It scared the hell out of her every time and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't get used to them. But that wasn't the only weird thing. It was everyone's attitude as well. They seemed to like Carmen even less than they did before and she could swear they knew what had happened, even if no one said anything or indicated such thing. And it was also the dreams.

  Carmen started dreaming about Michael constantly. He was there whenever she closed her eyes. She relieved the moment he fucked her, again and again, her mind sometimes adding elements that had not happened in reality. And each time she woke up, her panties were wet and her face was flushed and warm. Carmen could feel him and smell him on her body and no amount of showering or scrubbing could take that away.

  Michael owned Carmen, like he'd said, there was no doubt about that. But he didn't require to see her. He would look at her during gatherings and dinners, throw her one of his seductive smiles, but other than that, nothing. His behavior towards Carmen was in no way different than how he was around everyone else. Every night she waited for someone to come tell her he has requested her presence, but no one ever came.

'Was he just bullshitting me to scare me?' she wondered after a week. 'Maybe he never intended to mess with me again.'

  Carmen was happy about it, in a way. She just wanted to be left alone. But a part of she wished he'd claim her again. Her body. It craved him, wanted him, and that made her feel sick. Whenever she saw him, she just wanted to jump into his arms, even if deep down she hated him and everything he represented. Carmen started masturbating while thinking about him, just to get some relief, but it wasn't enough. She wanted the real thing. She wanted him. But she didn't want to be his whore. The situation was turning her mad and three weeks later she decided to take matters into her own hands.

  Carmen went to his room unannounced after dinner and stormed in without even knocking first. He was sitting in a comfortable looking chair, sipping on a glass of wine while reading a book. Her unexpected presence didn't seem to phase him at all, as he remained perfectly calm and unmoved.

  "You really lack manners, you know? I thought you were raised in a villa, not a cave."

"I want to give you my soul," She told him.

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