ch. 6: "that guilt."

Start from the beginning

"Fine." I sighed, taking my bag.

"Fine what?" Calum replied quickly, I laughed then continued my sentence.

"Fine, let's go somewhere tomorrow." I gave in, giving him a half smile.

"YAY! LET'S GO TO THE BEACH!" He hugged me tight, he smelled nice.

"Alright, you better not ditch me this time." I eyed him again, making him laugh.

"Nope! This time, don't bring a phone, just a camera. I want it to be just us." he took my phone, reading the messages.

"HEY!" I snatched it back, reading it after him.

"Luke is calling you." Calum said, grumpily.

"Eh." I shrugged, then took the phone out of his hand & walked out the classroom.

"12:30." he randomly said, as we walked towards my car.

"12:30?" I asked him, confused.

"Yeah. Get ready at 12:30 princess." He smiled, patting me on my shoulder then hopped away to his motorcycle.


[ saturday morning ]


Calum's P.O.V

I stayed up the whole night, looking at our old pictures. I've missed her so much & I'm gonna win her back. Good thing Rhea was in on the plan. 

She wanted Luke, I wanted Tatiana

Simple as that, we pretended to be a fake couple & agreed on a plan, well at least I thought it was a fake relationship.

I looked at my clock:

8:30 AM

"Perfect." I said to myself, smiling. I jumped out of bed forgetting that I've had no clothes on. Hey, don't judge. The door creaked open and I try to look for cover but failed.

"CALUM!" my mom shouted, covering her eyes with her right hand.

"Mom, I've told you numerous times to knock before coming in but you never listen." I shrugged then hurried to put on some underpants.

"Well I've told you numerous times to at-least sleep with boxers on! Anyways, I'm going out with your sister to buy some groceries! Put some pants on hun." she replied, shutting the door behind her.

I laughed to myself as I walked over to my closet. I wanted this day to be the most memorable day ever. 

No phones, no outsiders, just us.


Tatiana's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, it was exactly 9:30 AM.

I checked my messages to see multiple messages from Luke:


'I'm sorry.'

'I love you okay?'

'Let's hang out on SUNDAY.'

'I'll buy you pizza'

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