ch. 50: "LAX"

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Tatiana's P.O.V

It was took about seven to eight hours to get to Los Angeles since we lived quite far away. Luke was being too kind during the whole experience.

Surprisingly, no paparazzi has caught sight of me and Luke together which was great because rumors would just cause more things to stir up in the 5sauce fam, causing me to be the bad person.

I had a big hoodie on and some sweats, I wore no makeup so my face was barely recognizable as for Luke he was wearing the same thing but with shades on.

The plane was mainly filled of elders and parents with their little children crying about here and there. Someone behind our seat kept kicking me, but I managed to control my rage. I ignored the kicking until it got harder, causing me to fall forward since my seatbelt was off because I needed space.

"Hey buddy can you please stop kicking the seat?" Luke asks, trying to ask as politely as he could.

The kid sticks his tongue out him and kicks my seat even harder, his dad was reading some type of newspaper.

"Excuse me, sir? Your kid here is kicking my friend's seat, and it's not very comfortable." Luke pokes him on the shoulder, making the man look up and glare at his kid.

"David, stop kicking the chair." the father sternly looks at the little boy, making him immediately stop and cross his arms, making a pouty face.

"Thank you sir." Luke smiles and sits back in his seat next to me. "How're you feeling?"

"The same old." I replied, shrugging.

A part of me wanted to move farther away, but a part of me kept telling me to stay.

"You sure? You don't need anything? Like water, I could also get you a bowl of salad if you're feeling hungry, well only if you're craving it- wait you might not like salad, I can get  some ice cream or chips if you're craving that-" Luke rapidly said, worried.

"Luke, calm down I'm feeling okay. I'm just getting a bit jet-lagged." I calmed him down, making him nod.

"I just wanted to make sure you're alright." he sighs, looking at me.

I smiled at him warmly, making him give a small smile, putting on a movie he picked The Avengers. I decided to check twitter to see what was the current trend or news. I scrolled and smiled at Sabrina's tweets about her daily adventures. I really missed talking to her. Anne posted a selfie with her mom, saying that they were on a mother-daughter date. My heart already felt sad that I just left home. A fan account caught my eye,the tour for 5sos and 1D was tomorrow.

What was Luke doing here with me?

"Luke?" I asked, looking up at him, he turned his head at me & raised a brow. "Aren't you supposed to be with your bandmates right now?"

He anxiously chuckled and pushed his hair back.

"Tomorrow is the departing day, silly." he bopped my nose.

"But update accounts are saying you guys were departing today, there's even pics of the others-" he grabbed the phone away from me gently and gave a surprised look.

"But- Ash said we were departing tomorrow." he frantically says, giving me back my phone.

"Don't worry, I'll just hail a cab to the place." I tried reassuring him, but he shook his head no.

"No! We're going together. It's okay. I'll just be late like the usual." he calms down, chuckling to himself and took his phone out to message the group.

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