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The night has passed and I had only a few hours of sleep. I had a lot in my mind so it was hard to fall asleep, my heart was saying that I should've stayed with Theo in the hospital but my head said that I needed to talk with my brother, I couldn't just be that selfish by staying with Theo knowing that my brother is sad, our best friends are missing and that is something that doesn't just affects me but him too, and I'm glad I talked to him, things seem to be good between us. 

"Hey, are you ready?" I ask my brother who just showed up in the kitchen in a pair of boxers and pajama bottoms.

"Are you asking that even though you're seeing me dressed like this just to remember me that we have to go to the hospital?"

"Maybe." I keep looking at my cereal.

"I'll be ready in a few minutes, I just have to eat something first. I may have to fight someone today, I need all the strength I can get." He teases, indirectly speaking of Theo.

"He has better muscles than you do." I tease.

"I am better looking." He says confidently.

"Sure." I roll my eyes smiling. "Look, I'm going to make some coffee, you can go get dressed and then come back."

"You really are in a hurry."

"I just don't want Theo to think he's alone. I want him to see that we are here for him."

"Speak for yourself, sis." He says before leaving to his room.

I sigh before starting to make some coffee. I don't know what Theo's reaction will be when he sees me standing there, waiting for him, but I hope it's good.
I take a few seconds to smell the sweatshirt he gave me yesterday, it smells exactly like him and that's why I decided to use it again today.
I hate the feeling of being afraid, I'm always afraid to lose someone, and since Theo came back to town I already felt like I was going to lose him, I hate that feeling. Ever since the moment William left me, I never trusted anyone else, Theo just destroyed what I took so long to build.
I always wished I could live a normal life, without supernatural creatures coming to take my life or my friends life at any moment, even thought I am glad I'm human, there are times where I feel useless and wish I could have a pair of claws to defend the ones I loved the most. Or maybe not... my best friend Allison didn't have claws, and she died, saving us. That was one of the worst moments of my life, watching her die after my brother become void, he faked tears and then laughed in my face when I was desperately crying telling him how much I loved him.

"I'm ready." Stiles's voice wakes me up from my thoughts.

"Here." I handle him a cup full of coffee. "Did you get any sleep?"

"Not really. You?"

"A little bit. I hope we can figure it out something about Scott and Isaac."

"After taking Theo back to his truck, we could meet with Lydia and Malia and try to make a plan."

"Sure." I answer knowing deep down I intended to be with Theo. "Maybe Theo could help us." I say really fast.

"We'll see." Stiles answers shortly. I have to admit I'm surprised, I thought he would say no right away.


"Should I stay in the car?" Stiles asks.

"I don't know, what do you want?"

"I'll stay." He answers and I nod before leaving the car and entering the hospital.

I really hope Theo is feeling better. Since he came back to Beacon Hills he's been through hell, and it shouldn't be like that. He doesn't deserve it.

"Hey, I'm here to see Theo Raeken." I smile politely.

"Sure. Give me a second." The receptionist smiles back at me. "Theo Raeken was discharged from the hospital."


"Yes, he left an hour ago."

My heart started to race rapidly as my brain automatically brought negativity thoughts.

"Thank you." I exclaimed as I rushed out the door.

"Where is Theo?"

"He left." I answer after entering the jeep and leaning against the seat.

"So what do we do now?"

"I don't know, this doesn't feel right." I'm getting completely and utterly desperate as panic fills up my nerves.

"Just try to call him." He shrugs and I nod.

I pick up my phone and press the number I have on speed dial ever since we two had started to date... If I can say that... Five rings and nothing. 

"It went to voicemail." 

"Do you have any  ideas where he could be?"

"His house in the woods is the only place I can think of." I began, but suddenly stopped myself as my eyes widened and Stiles looks at me. "I'll drive." 

There were barely any cars on the road, so I completely passed the speed limit and arrived at his house in minutes.

"You come with him, to this place? In the middle of the woods?" Stiles gestures. 

"Please don't, Stiles." I ignore him and he sighs.

"The door is wide open." My brothes says.

I went inside the house without a single doubt and it was empty and silent. I sat on the couch wiping the tears that made sure to role down my face. 

"Kat... We have to go... If the door was open it's because someone was here. Whoever it was, it can come back."

"What if we never find him? What if we never find them?" I look at my brother with tears on my eyes. "I'm so tired of feeling useless."

"Hey..." Stiles sits next to me and holds my hand. "The fact that we're human doesn't make us useless. It make us stronger. Would you really like to have fangs, a sharp teeth and... a beard?" Stiles asks with horror expressed on his face, which makes a smile escape from my lips as he instantly pulls me into a gentle hug.

"So, what do we do now?"

"We call Malia and Lydia." I take a deep breath and then we hear a loud noise coming closer and closer to the door. 

"Shit." I muttered.

"We have to hide. Now!" Stiles whispers and we run to the first thing we see, the closet.

We hear steps coming closer, it seems to be more than one person. We held our breath so whoever it was couldn't hear us. 

"We're safe here. I'm going to call Katherine." I hear his voice. Theo. Stiles looks at me and even though I wanted to jump off from our spot and embrace Theo tightly, I stayed there and waited.

"Thank you." We both hear the familiar voice. Scott. The other one has to be Isaac.

"I'm here." I open the closet and see Theo already typing my number while Isaac and Scott lay down on the couch. 

I run to Scott and Isaac and kneel close to them, so I could look at my friends carefully. They don't have any scars, but they seem weak and can't barely open their eyes. 

"Are you both okay? Did something happened?" 

"We're okay." Scott squeezes my hand. 

"Thanks to Theo." Isaac continues.

I look at Theo who was already looking at us but he turns his head right away. 

"I'm going to take them to the hospital." I help my brother rise Isaac and Scott so he can carry them on his arms. "You can stay." Stiles says before leaving. 

I look at Theo and he goes to the kitchen. I should've said something when he arrived. I have so many questions I want to do. 

I follow him and see him with his both arms resting on the kitchen counter. "T-Theo." I stuttered, and hug him, resting my head on his back. "I'm so glad you're okay." 

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