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Scott would want us to go to school and be normal. But life isn't normal without Scott. Without Isaac.

"Can I come in?" I ask to my brother who's currently sitting on the corner of the bed, with his head on his hands.

"Sure." Stiles answers dryly and I almost regret talking to him.

"Look, I know things haven't been easy, for you, for me, for us." I kneel in front of him. "But if Scott was here he would tell us to be united."

"You were the one who decided to forget my existence." Stiles fires back without looking at me. His answer truly hurts me.

"There's never a day I go through without thinking of you. You're my twin brother, you're my other half. How can I not think about you?" I finally get his attention. "You don't know how much it hurts me knowing how much you hate Theo for no reason at all and how you've been treating me only because I like him."

"Kat, I do what I do because I love you, and in my mind you are and you will always be my little sister." I smile knowing he's only 2 minutes older than me. "I wish you could understand me. He's not a good person and I don't want to see you suffering, again."

"He is a good person, you just don't know him like I know him, you could at least try."

"You're right." He says, confusion is clearly seen on my face. "I'm going to ask him on a date. I feel like it could be our moment." He roles his eyes and I sigh. Too good to be true.

"Will you tone the sarcasm down?"

"If you stop making stupid suggestions, sure."

"Give him a chance. Let your guard down. Please." I beg.

"And then what? What if he ends up being who you thought he would never be?" Stiles asks and I look at the floor. That thought hurts me already.

"Then you can kick my ass."

"And then I will beat him. Severely. With a lead pipe. Wrapped in barbed wire." He looks at me with the most serious face I've ever seen, I end up laughing. "I'm serious. I don't know why you're laughing." I can see a smile hidden on his face.

"Does that mean you're going to give him a chance?" I ask with hope.


"I love you, asshole." I hug him. This is when I really feel comfortable and happy. When I feel at home.

"I love you too, idiot." He says on my shoulder. "And I didn't like the fact that-" Oh god, here we go. "after the pack's reunion you just escaped with Theo without telling me a word and showed up with him and with his sweatshirt."

"Stiles!" I sigh. "We went to drink some coffee and I spilled coffee on my T-shirt, Theo just offered to give me his sweatshirt." I lie. "Besides, you just said you would try!" I cross my arms in front of him.

"I know. And I will, but, I just thought that... I could be the one in an hospital bed or I could be the one who's missing, do you think I would like that to happen knowing we weren't talking to each other? I would not want my last memories with you to be bad."

The thought of my brother Stiles in an hospital bed, completely hurted, or missing, makes me feel so sad and empty. I usually say that Scott is like a brother to me and he really is, I know him since I can remember but the feelings that I feel for him aren't exactly the same as the ones I feel for Stiles. Stiles is my twin brother. We share a connection, in every way; everything we do, good or bad, it's always the actions of "the twins". I couldn't live without him. He is someone who I know will always be there for me. Someone who understands me without words or expressions. Someone with unwavering loyalty and care. Words could never describe the connection we have. I love him more than life itself. I would do anything for him (except chores).
There's a bond that no one else could ever understand. A bond that only we can ever feel.

"You're right Stiles and that's why we will never fight again, okay?"

He takes a deep breath. "Okay."

"Can you do me a favor?" I put my hands together already begging.

"No." He gets up.

"But Sti–"

"No." He says and I get up.

"Look, Theo is at the hospital. He has no one at the moment, his parents are douchebags and they don't care about him. He needs someone who can pick him up tomorrow morning."

"You are out of your mind if you think I'll let his little perfectly worked out ass sit on my jeep." He says and I try not laugh with the choice of his words. He really has a little perf– okay, that's enough.

"All we have to do is go the hospital, bring him with us and take him to the Eichen House where he left his truck."

"Oh my God, you, you Katherine Stilinski, I hate you very much." He gestures.

I clap my hands repeatedly and fast. "Thank you so much. You're the best!"

"Just don't get too distracted, remember that we have to find Isaac and Scott."

"I won't. I promise." He nods and I leave the room.

I hope we can find Scott and Isaac so I can finally take a deep breath and feel a little bit of happiness.
It's not easy to be happy in Beacon Hills.

"Hey beautiful." My dad enters the room. "Are you okay?"

"I will be. When my friends are safe." I sit on my desk.

"You know we are doing everything we can to find them don't you?"

"I know, but we are talking about supernatural creatures, and compared to them... you guys are just cops."

"We can always try." He shrugs and I nod. "So... is anything there?" My dad asks and I can feel his intentions.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"The guy in the hospital. The guy your brother truly despises. Do you like him?"

I take a few seconds to try to come up with an answer. All to no avail. "Yes, I do."

"Does he feel the same way?"

"Well... I hope so." I answer truthfully.

"I'm sure he does, you're the most gorgeous and genuine girl I've ever seen." My dad's blue eyes meet mine and I smile.

"Thank you dad." I get up and hug him.

"I know, I'm terrible at giving love advice, but I'm trying my best. I'm sure your mom would know what to say."

"Mom would say you're doing great." I smile once again and hold him closer. I really wish my mom was here too.

"Go to bed now, it's really late and you have school tomorrow." He kisses my forehead.

"Good night dad." I say before he closes the door. Of course I'm skipping school but there's no way I would tell him that.

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