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"I find it highly suspicious that Theo has returned after so many years." -  Stiles tells me as we head into the school after the last night. 

"I am more concerned about the guy who tried to kill Scott, he should've slept on our house."

"Yeah? What would he tell to Melissa? I'm sorry mom, I'm going to sleep in Stiles's house, someone tried me to kill me." Stiles rolls his eyes.

"You're right."

"And Theo Raeken... Something is wrong." he stops walking, "I know the Raekens left Beacon Hills when Theo was nine or ten because his older sister got into an accident and died when Theo was eight."

"That's totally normal. I don't see any--"

"Kat, this kid's a werewolf!"

"So what? Our best friends are werewolves. Lydia is a banshee."

"C'mon! You are supposed to be with me in this! Something's different about him."

"I'll be with you when you give me reasons to be with you, he seems normal to me." 

"You know what? We have to go talk to dad!" he holds my shoulders.

"Why is that?"

"He has to do a full background check of the Raekens."

"He won't do it." I take his hands of my shoulds.

"We'll see."

Stiles looks up and sees Theo getting dropped off to school. He waves to us and smiles. 

"Tell me why are you so suspicious of this guy again." I said, with my mouth open, he's really hot. 

"Because I remember Theo  from fourth grade. Okay? That's not Theo."

"I mean now he's really hot. He's got like great hair, perfect body, beautiful smile, beautiful--"

"That's enough!" he interrupts me. "God, I hate you so much."

"I love you too" I said with a self satisfied expression on my face.

"I have steps to follow to prove my case. I have to get the story and verify the facts, then, I'll find a piece that doesn't fit and catch him in the act."

"Okay, okay, I'm with you, but I'm with you after Biology class." 

"No, wait!" He said so I started running, "I will get you later!" I heard him screaming.

  I get in the in Biology class and I see Scott making me extremely surprised. Lydia has a silent conversation with me about the fact that Scott is here. 

"Scott, are you in the right class?" I asked.

"You know what AP stands for? Lydia asks. 

"Advanced Placement." Scott replies, and opens his textbook already full of notes and highlighting. We get are surprised and impressed.  

The AP Bio teacher, Mrs. Finch, comes into class and asks what plasmids are. 

"Circular, self-replciating DNA molecules," Lydia replies.

Then the teacher asks what vitamin is absorbed in the stomach via parietal cell production of glycoprotein. Everyone, including Lydia, stares. The answer is B-12. She then asks Scott if he knew the answer. "It's a common test question. What's your number one college pick?" 

Scott tells her UC Davis, which is the best school on the West Coast for biological and physical sciences. She then asks everyone if we think we're in the right class.

In the back, Theo raises his hand and I looked at him seeing him smile towards me. Then everyone else does, too. Mrs. Finch tells them there will be a test tomorrow that will prove it. We will have two weeks to drop the class. She gives Scott a meaningful look, clearly knowing that he hasn't had the best grades.

  Outside on the steps later, Stiles catches up with me and tells me to come with him. We both have a free period and so Theo does.  

"Stiles, c'mon! I have to pick something to eat and I want to do it with Malia and Lydia!" I say while he's literally dragging me.

"I have protein bars on my backpack, c'mon."

"You know what I'm going to do with your protein bars? I'm going to shove it up your freaking-"

"Language, little girl!" he interropted, "Hey, Theo!" Stiles called him and he came towards us with a smile on his face, is he always smiling?!

"Hello, Stiles, hello, Katherine." he kept smiling, I bet Stiles wants to punch his face just for smiling.

"We need to talk, about yesterday." Stiles started.

"Sure." he answered fastly.

"Tell us your story about being bitten."

"I was skateboarding in an empty pool. I was feeling determined to do a handplant that day, so I lost track of time and didn't realize night had fallen until the yard lights came on. On my last try, I fell and hit hard. I was at the bottom of the pool and realized that I didn't hear the board come back down. When I looked up, I saw a clawed, bloody hand holding my board. The alpha came at me fast and bit me on the side"

"It wasn't an accident, the alpha clearly wanted to turn you." I say. 

"Then why aren't you part of that alpha's pack, then?" Stiles asks.

"Because by the time of my first full moon, he was dead. I met another member of that alpha's pack a couple of weeks later. He told me the alpha that bit me was killed by two of his own betas. They were twins." He's referring to Ethan and Aiden.

Stiles and I give each other significant looks at that piece of information. 

"Everybody knows that lone wolves, they don't make it on their own." Theo goes on to say that he's been by himself the whole time. The bell rings for them to get to class. "I better go because you guys aren't the only ones I need to make a good impression on." I smile while Stiles squints and looks suspicious.

"What would Scott say right now?" I ask.

"He would say that we have to give people the benefit of the doubt sometimes." Stiles answers.

"Are you going to do it?"

"Not this time. I know I'm right. There's something off about him. I can feel it." 

"I thought Lydia was the psychic, not you."

"Lydia isn't psychic, she's a banshee." Stiles objects.

"And we have to go." I pushed him.

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