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At the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic, I'm giving a shot to a dog.

Dr. Deaton keeps reminding me that for injections in the hind leg "Stay clear of the sciatic nerve," he warns me. Since the moment I knew Scott we both knew what we wanted to be and we also knew that we wanted to work together as veterinarians. Deaton instructs me on how to give the injection, It's impossible for me to not be nervous but I'm doing what I like, with my best friend, Scott McCall. I hurt the dog a little when pulling the needle out, but I guess I did well. Scott picks up the dog and returns him to a little girl, Stephanie, who is waiting.

"Thank you, Dr. McCall and Dr.Stilinski." she says. We both smile looking at each other.

"We're not doctors yet." He replies, smiling.

Deaton, meanwhile, is still examining one of the claws from that Scott brought back after their encounter at the school.

"Are you sure this guy was a werewolf? As far as I can tell, these claws are actually talons. In fact, they're the talons of a harpy eagle." Scott asks how a werewolf gets talons, but Deaton is more interested in the fact that the talons could absorb Scott's power.

"The only one who should be able to do that is a Beta of your own making." Deaton explains.

"Maybe someone's trying to change those rules." I say.




"C'mon Mal, you can do this!" I say in the backseat trying to teach Malia how to drive with Lydia. Malia adjusts the mirrors. "Place your hands on the wheel at 10 and 2."

"It's now recommended to use 9 and 3 because at 10 and 2 a deployed airbag could break your thumbs." Lydia corrects me.

"Mine would heal," Malia offers.

"Save your strength and try not to destroy your beautiful car." I say. Malia grips the wheel extra tight and starts the car. Malia asks what the beeping sound is and Lydia informs her that the car is telling her not to run into the trees. At the last moment, Malia turns the wheel. She starts driving in a circle in the middle of the road going faster and faster making me and Lydia freak out and scream.

"Malia, stop!!!" Lydia holds her arm and she stops fast.

"I-I, I had another flashback." Tears were starting to show up on her eyes, "I was viewing it from the outside, I saw a bloody hand."

"Look, It's okay," Lydia says, "We'll get there and you'll know how to drive this big boy, we're going to the school's parking lot. But let me drive now." She smiles and Malia agrees changing the seats.

"Lyds..." I say minutes after Lydia started the car. "The school is the other way."

"We need to keep going." She says, at this point I was praying for Stiles to be wrong, everything must stay perfect.

We kept going to the point where we find the prisoner transport van where the guy who wanted to kill my dad was arrested. Dead bodys were in there but no sign of Donovan.

Not long after, my dad's department is here, a-long with Scott, Stiles and Isaac. Our dad asks Scott if Donovan was a werewolf. Scott doesn't think so, but he doesn't seem sure.

"Can you find can find Donovan?" My dad asks and hands Scott a radio. "Keep it on channel 2."

Scott takes off running. He jumps off a wall into a Dumpster and adds a gratuitous forward flip for good measure to jump to the ground. His eyes glow red as he goes on the hunt.

"Dad, it wasn't Donovan!" Stiles comes and says.

"How do you know that?" our dad asked.

"Because based on my current suspicions, I'm sure it was Theo, who is up on the overpass watching us."

"Sheriff," we hear Scott say othrough the radio, "I'm at an abandoned warehouse and I found Donovan, he keeps saying Tracy." I hear him and at some point all I felt was relief, maybe Theo is not a bad guy after all.

"Tracy who?" my dad asks.

"Stewart," Lydia supplies, sounding resigned.




The next day, we all meet at the school to talk. Lydia explains that Tracy was having night terrors, she knew it because she was seeing her mom who is a psychologist. Stiles quips that now Tracy is the night terror since no one can find her.

"We can find one lone wolf." Scott says.

"What are we going to do when we catch her?" Stiles ask.

"I say we put her down," Malia says.

"I agree." Isaac raises his hand.

"Let's concentrate on catching her first". Scott says. "Now let's go do what every normal teenager does, school!"

In AP Bio, the teacher hands back our tests. Scott got an 86. Me and Lydia smile proudly at him, as Mrs. Finch asks Scott to lead the class in a review of last night's reading. Isaac appears outside the classroom and tries to get Scott's attention. Mrs. Finch keeps trying to get him to focus. Scott taps his ear to indicate that Isaac should just talk.

"She's here. She's in History class right now. Tracy." Scott repeats what he said to us.

We leave the class without warning and we go to Mr. Yukimura's History class , Tracy is sitting at the back, gripping her desk. She doesn't even belong in the class because she's younger than us. She scratches the underside of the desk with her claws and breaks the desk in half. Isaac looks over at her, concerned. We notice that Tracy's feet are dirty and she isn't wearing shoes.

Lydia pulls the fire alarm to get everyone out. Isaac tries to get Tracy to leave, but Isaac grabs his arm. We finally come into the classroom while everyone files out. Tracy stands as Scott comes closer and squeezes her claws into my arm until I start bleeding. This is the worst part of being human.

"Tracy, let go!" Scott says.

"They're coming," she replies. "They're coming for all of us." And then she collapses. Silver fluid leaks out of her mouth.

Scott, Malia, Isaac, and Lydia get Tracy out of the building.

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice comes behind me. Theo Raeken.

"I am, you can leave now."

"Where are they taking her?"

"Hospital, I guess." I lie.

He sees my bloody arm, "You don't seem okay..." holds my arm making me look at his eyes for the first time, "I'll help you get to the nurse's office."

"Don't," I decide to stop whatever my thoughts are trying to make me do, and he smirks knowing I wouldn't give up, "I can make it." I leave going to the bathroom, I wash the blood off my arm and discover there are no wounds.

Stiles was right, everything was so good, too good to be true.

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