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The three of us started running. I'm not going to lie, I'm scared shitless. I wondered how in the world we were going to fight them. Once I stepped outside we were faced with a group of Dread Doctors standing there.

They weren't many but they were much bigger than us and it was just the three of us.

"Kat, go call Scott and Isaac, we'll take care of them." Lydia ordered and I was about to reject and say that I should stay and fight, but after looking over at the group of Dread Doctors in front of me, I decided that it was a best idea to go call someone useful. Afterall I was only human and there's no way I can fight one of them.

I nodded my head at Lydia and turned around and started running. I can hear Malia growling in the back, but I ignored them and continued running to the class where Scott and Theo were. They were fighting far away from here, so they can't get to me. I can hear them fighting and I prayed that none of my friends would get hurt. A few moments later, the only thing that could have been heard was my whispers, what I didn't know was that behind me stood a Dread Doctor.

"Distraction." He said.

"Kat, run!" I heard Theo scream and before I could process what he had said, I feel the Dread Doctors hand on my neck, chocking me.

"Theo!" I tried to say in panic, with my two feets in the air. The doctors appear to be slightly out of phase with reality. The bodies blur constantly. Suddenly his hand let go my neck and I looked up to find Isaac and Theo there, trying to save me. They tried to beat him but he was too strong.

"Distraction." The Dread Doctor kept saying.

I could feel my blood turn cold. How are we going to fight them, when there's so many? Before me and Isaac could say or do anything, Theo grabbed both my arms and pulled us back inside the school.

"What are you doing?" I asked Theo as I held on to him.

"I'm being the bait." Theo answered and pushed me and Isaac inside, making me fall over Isaac. And before I could reject the door closed infront of me, he already have close the door with a big piece of iron.

"No! I can't lose you!" I tried my best not to shed a tear as I banged on the door. Isaac grabbed me and pulled me away.

"C'mon Kat, we have to go check the others." Isaac holded my hand and I cleaned the tears that ended up falling from my eyes.

"There's so many of them, there's no way he's going to make it." I said. "How did you knew?"

"Theo warned us, besides, have a little faith, he seems to be pretty strong."

"Where's my brother?" I ask.

"I don't know, he missed today's class." Isaac answered. Even though I knew this is something Stiles wouldn't do without having a good reason, at least I don't have to worry about him now.
We run towards our friends and found them all on the floor and no sign of the Dread Doctors. We were so luck the hallways were empty. The would school would panic.

"Are you guys okay?" Isaac said and I helped them stand up.

"Did they hurt you?" I give them a lookover to check for injuries.

"They didn't do anything to us. We tried to fight them but they just throwed us to the lockers." Malia says, "They're pretty strong."

"I have to go find Theo." I looked at Isaac because he was the only knowing what happened.

"Why?" Scott asks.

"He closed himself outside so the Dread Doctors wouldn't get in, he said he was being the bait." Isaac answered, "He helped us."

Condition Worsens | Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now