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I have always been Katherine's protective brother and there is no way in hell I am going to be okay with her dating Theo.

"Listen Raeken, whatever happened I want you to tell me." I tell him, keeping my distance.

"Where's Katherine?" he asks looking at the door, maybe waiting for her to come in.

"She doesn't want to talk to you right now," I lie, "our friends disappeared. I am here, so either you tell me now what happened or I'll-"

"You're lying." He interrupts me, I keep my posture and don't blink trying to make him fear him. He sighs. "When you, Lydia and Kat went to the supernatural ward, we stayed there, we waited for you but then we started to hear noises, and then we heard Lydia scream, soon we understood that the Dread Doctors were there but they weren't alone, they had two Chimeras, we decided to distract them so they couldn't get to you guys, they were four so we decided to split. Isaac and Scott were supposed to distract the Dread Doctors, I was supposed to distract the two chimeras, unfortunately they were too strong for me. That's how I ended up like this." Theo looks at the gashes in his chest, and how he's basically covered in dry blood.

"What happened to Isaac and Scott?" I query.

Theo chuckles humorlessly, shaking his head. "I wish I knew that. The two chimeras beat my ass until the point I couldn't raise my head. When someone from the Eichen called the ambulance, they were gone. I think the Dread Doctors took them."

"Why them? Why didn't they take you? Where are you hiding them?" My voice boomed.

"I'm not hiding them!" Theo growled. "I want to be part of this pack, and I'm sure I would not get my ass kicked like this on purpose."

"Look Raeken, leave us alone, we don't need another member on our pack, this is not a fucking band whose auditions are open." I turn my back on him, ready to leave. "And leave my sister alone, she has suffered enough on what comes to love."

"Or else what Stiles?" I look at him again. "Did you forget what I did for you?" He asks, my hands clenching into fists, the anger inside me is evident.

"Theo!" Katherine comes rushing in.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Kat, we have to go." I command.

"Give me 10 minutes, please." She begs with her blue eyes looking at me, the eyes that I envy so much, our father's eyes.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes, leaving my sister with the devil in human form.


  As my brother leaves the hospital room, my eyes trail over Theo's face. Even with dried blood on his face, he looks so good, and I hate him for it. His hair is dark as his thick brows, complementing his strikingly bright blue eyes. His lips are bloody along with his jawline. Every part of this boy is breathtaking and I knew there'd never be a day that I would get tired of the sight. 

"You should really stop staring." Theo teases, smiling weakly.

If we were in another situation I would answer him, instead, I raised my arm from my side, moving on its own. His eyes followed my gesture. A sigh passed his lips when he felt my fingers through his hair. In this moment, I was only focused on moving slowly across his scalp. I spread out my fingers, watching as the curls straightened before curving back into their original position. He stared at me, his features completely relaxed. His breath is slow and steady.

"Are you okay?" Theo questioned before he broke into a coughing fit, tears are stuck in my eyes so I avoid looking at him, "Katherine," his hand grabbed my arm, pulling it from his head, but his face remained soft, as did his voice, gazing at me.

Theo's face came into view as my eyes fluttered open, blood still covering his mouth. His hand brushed my hair back, out of my eyes.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I whispered, my head feeling silent for the first time. My head rested on Theo's head.

"I'll heal" He smiles again. He's always smiling.

"Are you feeling any pain?" I ask.

"A little bit." He simply answers.

"I wish I could help you with that." I really do. I wish I could take his pain. I would do it without thinking twice.

"You are helping me."

I tried to smile but I have no strengths for that. "What happened? What happened to my friends?"

"I think the Dread Doctors took them. I'm sorry Katherine." He looks into my eyes.

"How are you here?"

"Because we split, I tried to distract the chimeras that came with them." He answers and I nod. I can't handle it anymore so I just let my tears roll my face.

"Kat..." he whispers and I turn my face down. "Look at me." He gently grabs my chin making me look at him. "It's going to be okay. I'm with you."

"This is not okay, Theo. I'm not okay and everything is a mess. I don't know what they're doing to my friends, I don't even know if they're alive! My best friends... Scott is like a brother to me, we grow up together, we protected each other, well... he always protected me, because I didn't protect him when he needed protection. I'm a stupid, useless person who doesn't even deserve to be on this pack. I should've protected Scott when he needed me. I should've protected Isaac. And you, you are like this, in this bed, hur–"

"I'm sorry, Katherine. Please don't feel that way. You should not feel that way." Theo holds my hands. "They're going to come back."

"I wish I could be that sure."

"Scott is an alpha, Isaac is his beta, they're pretty badass, and they've been through a lot. They will find their way back."

I find myself smiling at the blue eyed boy, I am afraid to repeat the three words I told him before, things got awkward after I told him that. Maybe it's because he doesn't feel the same way. My subconscious says and I try to keep this thoughts out of my head.

"I should go." I tell him. "Melissa told me you're getting out of the hospital tomorrow morning." I kiss his forehead.

"Yeah, I know. Bad guys don't die so easily." He laughs humorlessly and I punch him really softly in his arm before heading to the door.

"You're not a bad guy, Theo Raeken."

"Not to you. Katherine Stilinski."

heyyyyy, I hope you guys had a beautiful Christmas and an amazing New Year's Eve, I hope 2018 brought lots of good things for you but if it didn't, it's okay, 2019 certainly will! Never stop dreaming and fighting for ur dreams, xoxo

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