First Day, Lunch

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Period 2 finally ended, allowing all the students to relax and go eat. Everyone rushed out of their rooms, running down as fast they their legs could take them, into the cafeteria. This formed what is called 'Lunch Rush'. You either want to be at the front or just wait it out. Or if you can, get a friend who's at the front to get your food for you. But, with all the pushing and shoving, that might not work. In a matter of moments since the bell, a huge line that wraps around the many tables laid out in the cafeteria was formed. This is what happens at Aldeka Junior.

"How does anyone even get food here? Kacchan? How long does this take?" Izuku asked, looking up behind him at his friend.

"From 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how the lunch lady's feeling. And judging by this, she's feeling a little nasty. Keeping us and the fucking extra's waiting like this." Katsuki replied as he leaned his head on the shorter male's and sighed in annoyance.

Standing there and moving ever so slightly as time ticked by, the duo finally reached the front. Sliding their trays over, they waited for the students in front of them to finish so they could reach the food.

"Hey hag! Ya feeling a little nasty today. What gives?" Katsuki started a conversation with the lunch lady as he bought his food.

"I felt like I was being to nice last week. You kids need to be put in your place." She replied, dumping the food on both trays before shooing both males off.

They walked away to an empty table near the back corner, sitting down across from each other. They made small talk as they ate, talking about random topics that popped into their minds, laughing and gasping time and time again. Just as their topic changed again, a tap on Izuku's shoulder snapped him back to the world around him. He tilted his head up, seeing a brunette girl and blond boy.

"Hey! I'm Hiyori Iki! You're Izuku Midoriya, correct?" The brunette introduced, holding out her hand to Izuku who shook in return. "That's my friend Yukine. He tends to get timid around others."

"I do not!" Yukine exclaimed, a soft blush lingering on his cheeks as he huffed, sitting next to Katsuki who gave him a nod of acknowledgment.

Hiyori sat next to Izuku, both new comers engaging themselves into the conversation. A few others, such as Kanada Tachibana and Yuzuru Otonashi joined their little group too, much to Katsuki's annoyance.

"Hey Hiyori. You mentioned someone called Yato. You said they were some kind of god?" Izuku said, intrigued in learning about the so-called god.

"Oh yeah, Yato. He calls himself a god, but all he does is chores for other people. If he isn't doing that or harassing us, he's either sleeping or spray painting his number everywhere." Hiyori replied, sighing in irritation.

"Yato is just annoying. He can be nice and fun at times, but he's alway pestering us." Yukine added, leaning his head on his hand.

Before they could continue, the alarm bell started ringing. The group hastily jumped up, leaving their food as they joined the large crowd rushing out of the cafeteria. Katsuki grabbed Izuku's hand, keeping him close as all the students ran down the hallways.

'What's happening?' Izuku mentally asked, feeling himself being pushed back by the many student's pushing and shoving around him.

It's either a drill or someone broke in. You'll find out in a sec.

'Ok. That makes a lot more sense. Thanks for the reassurance, Deku.'

No problem. Just hold onto Katsuki tight. Or you'll get pushed behind.

Izuku tightened his hold on Katsuki's hand as he kept close. All the students eventually fell out of the school building, turning to the training grounds and rushing over. They all finally came to a halt, seeing the teachers moving round in front of them as they checked the roll.

"Do you think someone broke it?"
"Nah. It's probably a drill."
"Are you sure?"
"They never said anything about a drill."
"I doubt anyone got in."
"We'll have to wait to find out I guess."
"Awe man. Waiting is so boring though."

Izuku stuck to Katsuki like glue, frantically looking around for answers. Roll call ended and the teachers explained the situation. A drill. Izuku heard sighs of relief from a few students as he himself sighed too. He moved back from Katsuki a few center-meters, though still held onto his hand. The teachers led everyone back, heading in through the back exit doors the students left through.

Well that was anticlimactic.

'I guess. I hope this day ends soon. Class is boring since I already know everything.' Izuku mentally sighed as he and Katsuki entered their classroom, sitting down with their classmates.

The teacher entered, clapping his hands together to gain everyone's attention, saying, "alright then. Now that the drill is over, lets start class."

Great. Now I know what you mean. This is gonna be boring as fuck.

'At least you don't have to sit through this. You can create whatever you want in there and do whatever you want. I have to sit here and listen to this lecture.' Izuku retorted, a silent sigh escaping his lips as he leaned on his hand, staring up at the teacher who started to write neatly on the black board.

True, true. And you can't come in here during class. How 'bout I play some music? That should service for now.

'Thanks. That'd help.'

Deku chose the song 'I want it that way'. A small smile formed on Izuku's face as the music played in his head. Boredom still lingering in him, he started to draw again. It's a nice pass time he did back at home whenever he had nothing to do. He still answered the questions, though waited in anticipation for the school day to finally end.

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