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Izuku sat idly on the white bed, staring out the window at nothing. A bandage was carefully wrapped around his left eye, his grown out, curly green hair falling over it. The sound of a door opening snapped him out of his tranced state. He turned his head round, green eye landing on the nurse that entered.

"Good morning, Midoriya. How are you feeling?" She asked, pushing back a few strands of black hair.

Izuku slowly tilted his head down, gazing down at his bandages hands. The nurse heaved out a sigh, walking over to the bed and sitting down on the edge. She grabbed one of his hands, squeezing it softly and comfortingly.

"There's someone here to see you." She said, waiting for any sort of reaction from Izuku.

He only looked up at the nurse for a few moments before gazing back down at his hands. The nurse stood up, walking out of the room. A few seconds later, the door reopened as a short, long green haired woman stepped inside. She walked over to Izuku and grabbed a chair, sitting beside the bed.

"Izuku?" She started, earning the boys attention. "Honey. How do you feel? How's you're head?"

"...I-I'm fine..." Izuku murmured, looking into his mothers green eyes. "E-everything's still a bit fuzzy though. I... I can't really remember what happened..."

Inko took Izuku's hand in hers, gently stroking it with her thumb. Detective Naomasa entered the room, a doctor and nurse following suit. Inko turned to him, tightening her grip on Izuku's hand.

"Ms. Midoriya. Could you please leave the room? We need to conduct a few tests." Naomasa said.

At the world 'test', Izuku froze, eye growing wider. He started to hyperventilate,  clutching his chest. Inko grabbed his shoulders, hushing him, telling him to calm down and take deep breathes.

"Calm down, sweetie. Mr. Tsukauchi doesn't mean those types of tests. You're safe here," She said, holding him close as he slowly calmed down. "I'm sorry, Mr. Tsukauchi. I suggest that you don't use any words similar to that. It's a stress reminder."

"O-okay. Sorry for causing trouble," Naomasa apologised, walking up to the bed as Izuku calmed down, tilting his head up. "Izuku. We just need to ask a few questions. You don't have to worry about anything. You're safe here."

Izuku slowly nodded, still a bit shaky. Inko planted a kiss on his forehead before leaving with a small wave. Naomasa brought out a few sheets of paper, each with a sort of pop quiz for different subjects on them. The doctor and nurse brought over a table before grabbing more chairs for them.

"We're going to remove the bandages around your eye now. Just tell us if you feel any pain, alright?" The nurse said, reaching over as she started to unwrap the bandage.

It's loosely fell off, allowing Izuku to see with both eyes. It fluttered open, revealing a golden eye that looked like a clock. His gaze dropped to the table with the papers on it. A golden hue surrounded the table before it shot back to its original spot. The papers flew everywhere, making themselves present in Izuku's view. The golden hue circled them, making them fly back to the stunned detective. In panic, Izuku quickly covered his eye with his hands while the doctor wrote something down on his clipboard.

"The transmission of a quirk was successful. The villains knew what they were doing," He said, pushing the glasses that sat on his nose back up. "I suggest we start with the quirk as it'll be problematic if we don't."

"So far it seems to only affect inanimate objects. We should keep that in mind while we conduct these...... check-up's." The nurse said, straying away from any words that might affect Izuku again.

The doctor took out a case and opened it up, revealing a pair of glasses, sunglasses and contact lenses. He grabbed the glasses, telling Izuku to remove his hands before placing them on his nose. He opened his left eye again, looking through the glasses. He focused on the sheet of paper Naomasa threw into the air. Nothing happened. The glasses were removed and replaced with the sunglasses. Again, nothing happened. Lastly, the contact lenses. The paper flew back to Naomasa's hand. The lenses were removed and replaced with the glasses.

"Quirk. Clockwork: activated when the user opens the affected eye(s). Reverses time on any object the user focuses on. No known ways to deactivate the quirk. To cancel out, close eye(s) or cover it/them." The nurse explained, writing down new information as she spoke.

"Izuku. Are you alright?" The doctor asked, earning a nod in response. "We're gonna need you to answer some quizzes. They're elementary and up. We just need to see how far up you are."

Naomasa handed him the sheets of paper and a pencil. The three of them exited the room and sat right outside as Izuku started answering the questions.

Simple questions. These are for preschoolers. Who do they think we are?

"Shut up and leave me alone. I need to finish these." Izuku murmured.

Awe, come on, Izu. You know you can't get rid of me. I'm stuck with you. And you're stuck with me.

"I never asked for this."

I didn't either. But sensei created me. As well as your quirk.

"Don't call that 'thing' sensei. He made me- no, us, into what we are. But with that brought pain. Horrid pain. No matter how much I screamed or begged, it never stopped. I can still feel it and hear my shrieks and cries. No matter how hard I try, I can't forget it."

He doesn't want us to forget.

"Just shut up! I don't want to deal with you anymore!"

Fine, fine. I'll go. But I won't be gone...

Experiment Gone Wrong [Book 1 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now