First Day, First Class

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A wave of nervousness washed over Izuku as he stepped foot into the school, sticking to Katsuki's side. They reached the principals office, entering to receive Izuku's schedule and locker code before leaving. He was in Katsuki's classes so he stuck by him the whole way over to first period. Before Katsuki pulled the door open, Izuku grabbed his arm and turned him around.

"What? You scared?" Katsuki teased, a small smirk plastered on his face.

"Y-yeah..." Izuku stuttered, nodding as his face tinted red in embarrassment as he looked away. "I-I've been gone for so long... I don't know anyone but you here... I just... it feels weird."

Katsuki softly smacked him over the head before placing his hand on Izuku's shoulder, saying, "stop bitching and get inside. If you whine like this, then no one's gonna want to go near you," He pushed him to the door. "Open it. This is your first step."

Izuku swallowed a lump in his throat, taking in a deep breath as he slid open the door. A few students turned to the door, confused looks etched into their faces as they stared at the new student. Izuku froze, sweat forming on his forehead as his eyes widened a little. Katsuki grabbed Izuku's shoudlers and pushed him in, a scowl on his face as he glared at all the staring students.

"We have a new student!" A kid with short brown hair called out, causing the other student's to turn around.

Cheers sounded around the classroom, causing Izuku to stiffen as he hid behind Katsuki. A few "aww's" sounded from the girls as Izuku tried to shrink in on himself. The teacher walked in, clapping his hands to gain the attention of all the students.

"Alright, alright. Everyone, please take your seats. We have a new student here. Please come up to the front and introduce yourself." He said, everyone sitting down as Izuku walked up to the front.

He pushed his glasses up and turned around to face the class, saying, "h-hello everyone. I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's nice to meet all of you." He bowed down slightly, standing up straight again as he gazed over the many students staring at him. 'Oh god. This is actually terrifying.'

Calm down. You can sit down now. You're next to Kacchan.

Just as Deku said that, the teacher ushered him off to his seat. He sat down, directly right of Katsuki near the door in the second last row. Class started up again as the teacher spoke, though Izuku could feel the burning stares of his new classmates drilling into his back. He chose to ignore the stares and focus on the teacher, writing down notes even though he already knew most of this subject. Because of that, Izuku ended up drawing in the back of his book or talking with Deku who was completely bored, lounging around as he stared up into blackness.

Hey Izuku. Whatcha drawing?

'A bunny.'

You really like those don't ya? It's either bunnies, sweets or anything cute or delicious with you. Katsudon's been on your mind since breakfast.

'H-hey! I like those things so it's fine! I don't need you bickering like a mother over what I like.'

Fine, fine. Also, pay attention. The teacher's gonna ask some questions.

Izuku turned back to the front of his notebook, writing down and answering questions right before the teacher started asking questions.

"Alright then... Hiyori. What's..." Izuku zoned out since he wasn't the one being asked.

He heard the replies from the questioned students as he waited for his turn. It came and was done in a blink of an eye. Too easy. Izuku went back to completing his bunny, adding shading and detail where he could. Without warning, a large scrunched ball of multiple notebook pages was pegged at his head, causing him to jerk forwards and his glasses to fall off. The ball landed on his desk, a golden hue surrounding it before shooting up and flying back to the culprit. Izuku closed his golden eye, the paper ball landing softly on the back desk nearest the window. He propped the glasses back on his nose, opening his left eye again.

"Woah! That was cool!"
"Who's quirk was that?"
"I think it was the new guys."
"Really? Cool."

"Settle down class. Settle down. Who threw the paper and who used their quirk? No quirk usage is allowed here." The teacher said.

Hands pointed over at a navy haired boy in the back. The teacher crossed his arms over his chest, an unamused expression on his face.

"Uh, sorry sir. I didn't mean to throw it." He apologised, looking down.

"That's alright. Now, who used their quirk?"

Izuku shakily put his hand up, "sorry sir. I can't exactly control mine."

That made the teacher quirk a brow, "it's alright since you just came here. You don't know all the rules yet."

Izuku nodded, sighing in relief. Class went by normally for the rest of the hour till the bell rung, signalling the end of period one. The teacher left, chatter rising up among the students.

"Hey Midoriya! Can you do that again?"
"Yeah, yeah! Come on! Please?!"

"U-umm..." Izuku turned to Katsuki for help, not sure what to do himself.

"Please Midoriya!"

"I-I guess I could..." Izuku stuttered, earning cheers from the surrounding students. "I need someone to throw or move something."

The navy and brunette from before grabbed a table and threw it over to the door. Izuku pried his glasses off and stared at the table. The golden hue surrounded the table, lifting it into the air before slowly floating back over to the same spot where it once was. It landed softly and carefully back on the wooden ground. Izuku placed his glasses back on his nose, pushing them up so his quirk wouldn't activate.

"That's so cool!"
"How does it work?"
"What's it called?"
"Is your quirk what affects your left eye?"

"Uhh... Kacchan, help me." Izuku murmured to the ash-blond beside him, turning to face him.

"No can do. You're on your own."

Experiment Gone Wrong [Book 1 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now