The Villains

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Katsuki kept dodging the noumu, trying to reach Shigiraki. He was slowly losing momentum and speed, panting heavily as he jumped back. Right as he landed, the noumu punched him hard in the stomach, flinging him back as he spat out blood. Coughing up excess blood, he staggered up to his feet, crimson eyes glaring at the blue beast in front of him. He clenched and unclenched his hands as explosions set off in his palms. Katsuki launched himself forwards, ducking under the noumu's claw like hand as it reached out to grab him. He kicked off the ground, sending himself into a spiral of explosions as he neared his target.

"You're mine..." he murmured as he stretched out a hand to Shigiraki's face.

Time seemed to slow down as a purple portal appeared, taking his hand in and back round to his own face. He twisted it up, exploding down and away. Time became normal again as he jumped over the noumu that tried to grab him. He landed, feeling a large hand on his back. He braced himself for impact, but it never came. He looked up at the beast, seeing that it was frozen. His gaze trailed to the house, seeing Izuku staring at the beast, freezing it with his quirk. Katsuki mentally thanked him before rushing out and over to the two other villains. Izuku canceled his quirk on the noumu and went to the purple mist, stopping him before he could summon another portal. Katsuki grabbed Shigiraki, dodging his hands that reached out and blasted to the house, pinning him down. Sirens blared in the distance, notifying them that the police where here.

"Move one muscle and I'll break your arms," Katsuki threatened, tightening his grip on the villain.

"Just try. I doubt you can without letting me go," Shigiraki spat before his face was pushed into the ground, the hand covering it falling off. "Damn brat. Noumu!"

Katsuki looked up, only to meet with a hand that gripped onto his face. He let go of Shigiraki, setting off explosions as he tried to remove the hand clamped on his face. Shigiraki grabbed his arm, placing four fingers before he froze. Izuku burst out of the house, gaze fixated on Shigiraki as he round-house kicked him back. He turned his quirk to the noumu, taking out a switch blade and stabbing it into the exposed brain of the beast. His quirk deactivated as the beast let out a cry of pain, dropping Katsuki and stumbling backwards. The sirens neared closer and closer, but there was no longer any need. The three villains got away, a purple mass disbursing, leaving no trace behind.

"Are you alright, Kacchan? How's your stomach feel? Can you stand?" Izuku bombarded the ash-blond with questions as he checked him over for serious wounds.

"Shut up. I'm fucking fine," Katsuki replied, coughing more as he heaved out shallow breaths. "Think that shitty bird might've crushed my stomach. I can barely feel it."

Before Izuku could speak, the police cars rounded the corner, coming to a halt. Officers stepped out and rushed to the two on the ground.

"Hello. Are you two alright? What happened to the villains?" An officer asked, kneeling down.

"Kacchan's injured. And the villains got away," Izuku answered, helping Katsuki up. "One of them had a warping quirk so they left before you showed up."

"Alright. Thank you for the report. We'll take your friend here to the hospital. Do you have his parents number or know where they live?"

"They're just down the street. I can take you there." Izuku ran off with the officer behind him, leaving Katsuki to be taken care of by the other police.

They reached the Bakugou household and knocked on the door, hearing a "hold on" from the other side. The door swung open as a tall ash-blonde lady stepped out.

"Hello, ma'am. Could you come with me?" The officer asked, watching as a confused and shocked expression crossed her face. "There's no problem, your son just got caught up in a villain attack."

"Katsuki did?" Mitsuki murmured, following after the officer and Izuku back to his house.

Katsuki was seated in a car as officers searched round for any evidence of who the culprits might be. Mitsuki ran over to her son, leaning down and wrapping him in a hug. She started to scold him for being reckless before asking what happened. Izuku explained what happened to her and the police, describing what the villains looked like and giving them their names. The police thanked him before taking Katsuki and Mitsuki to the nearest hospital. Izuku headed back inside, locking the door behind him as he entered.

"That was too close for comfort. I can't believe they found me! What am I suppose to do now?" Izuku murmured, pulling at his hair as he walked over to the lounge.

Just calm down. Stressing will do you nothing.

"Easier said then done, Deku. Those villains found me! They'll come back for me, I just know it!" Izuku exclaimed, flopping on the soft cushions and turning on the TV. "There has to be something that'll put them off my trail or stop them from chasing after me. But what? A new human test subject? But I don't want anyone else to have to go through that pain. What if they won't even settle for something different? What if they continue to chase me and hurt those around me till I give in? What'll happen then if I do tha-"


Izuku snapped out of it, calming himself down and sitting up, placing a hand to his chest. His heart rate slowed back down to normal as he breathed out a sigh of relief.

Don't do that! Don't think like that. They won't get you or anyone else. Trust me.


No but's. You'll be fine.

"A-alright," Izuku gave in with a sigh, listening to Deku as he spoke.

His voice calmed him down. He was there for him, even in the darkest times. Izuku's grateful for that and he's glad that Deku's there by his side.

"Thank you, Deku."

Experiment Gone Wrong [Book 1 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now