Pratical Lesson

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Students of 1-A filed out to the field in which their teacher stood patiently. They sorted themselves into 3 lines, facing the teacher as he uncrossed his arms. "Alright. Now that everyone is here, I'll start the lesson. We'll be doing a practical quirk test, see how good you are at using your quirks."

"W-wait a sec," the brunette called out, a hum in reply from Shouta. "What about the orientation? Isn't every class meant to be in the gym right now?"

"This is my class and I run it differently. What I say goes. Heroes have no need for an orientation. If you don't care about making progress to become a hero, than leave," Shouta's voice rang low and cold, sending shivers down the students spines. "If you are here to make friends, leave now. I'm here to mold you all into the next generation of heroes. We have no time to muck around having fun and prancing around like princesses. Now," everyone stood attentive, cold sweat running across their foreheads. "Bakugou Katsuki, step up."

Katsuki walked pass the other students, glancing back once before standing in front of their teacher. He was tossed a ball, confusion etching into his face before Shouta started speaking again. "How far could you throw a ball in junior high?"

"Around 67 metres."

"Alright. Now, try with your quirk. Step into this circle and throw it." Katsuki walked into the circle and stretched his arms. He swung his right arm back as he took stance. He blasted the ball out of his hand, yelling "DIE" as he did. It flew threw the air, slowly descending to the ground far away from where the class stood. Shouta turned a device in his hand round to the class, reading 875.04 metres. Gasps floated around the students as Katsuki walked back, a smug grin spread across his face. He stood by his green haired friend, arms crossed over his chest as he faced the teacher again. A few students muttered a few things about how 'this'll be fun' and whatnot. Shouta's brows lowered, a shudder sending through the class.

"Fun, huh? Let's see how fun it'll be when I expel the person in last. You'll all go through a series of mini tests. First up, 50 meter track." Shouta announced, heading over to the short 2 lanes track.

The class went 2 by 2, seeing the fastest person being the square bluenette named Iida Tenya with his record 2.46 seconds. Next up was grip strength. A 6 armed guy named Shoji Mezo scored highest with 480 kilos. Standing long jump came next. Katsuki scored highest with his explosions propelling him forwards. Ball throw was next up. The brunette from before, now named Uraraka Ochaco, scored infinite.

'Time to test this out. Hopefully this works.' Izuku thought as he stepped up next, catching the ball thrown to him.

Whose throw are you gonna rewind to?

'I was thinking Kacchan's. He did get quite far after all.' Izuku opened his left eye that had sat closed since changing.

A golden hue surrounded the ball as it slowly lifted into the air. Izuku thoughts back to Katsuki's throw, the clock in his eye clicking at 12. A larger transparent clock image appeared in front of his eye, a magic circle. It shone bright, golden light shining down upon Izuku as the ball shot forwards, a small explosion trailing after it as it shot out into the air. It started to descend, hitting the ground far away from where everyone stood. The device in Shouta's hand read 875.04 metres, the same as Katsuki's. A whistle escaped Izuku's lips as he looked at the score, rewinding time so the ball landed back in his hand.

"That worked better than last time, huh?" Izuku murmured, hearing a hum in reply from Deku. "Though, I feel if I practice enough, then it'll get better and easier to use. Guess I'm gonna steal Kacchan from auntie again."

He walked back to the class, tossing Shouta the ball as the rest of the class filed through the ball throw. Up next came a flexibility test. As most of the students focused more on muscle than flexibility, they struggled a bit. The last test came up, the repeated side-step. A little student, looking like he's in grade school, Mineta Minoru, scored highest. The class grouped back up as Shouta tallied up the scores, a projection showing up from the device that sat in his hand. In last place was Minoru.

"Oh no! I'm gonna be expelled!" He cried, pulling at his face.

"In a normal circumstance, I wouldn't actually expel you. I just wanted you all to use your quirks to the fullest," Shouta started, a wave of relief washing over the small boy. "But," an icy glare shot through the small boy. "After all the reports and records I've seen on you from public acclaims to teachers, I expel you from my class. Don't even know how you managed this far. Grab your things and leave."

Minoru ran off, tears leaking from his eyes as he disappeared back into the school. A few students cast glances back at the boy as he ran off. Shouta started to head off, saying "class dismissed," as he left. The students all cast weary looks to each other before filing after their teacher. They headed to the locker rooms and changed back out of their gym uniforms into their regular ones.

"Oi Deku. Noticed you used my throw earlier. Gettin' better at that specific rewinding." Katsuki commented as the students filed out of the locker rooms.

"Yeah. I need more practice though. My eye still hurts afterwards. But, that's to be expected," Izuku chuckled a bit, a sheepish grin crossing his face. "But man can our teacher go from 0 to 100 real quick. Better not piss him off."

"Ha! If you think he can go bad shit fast, you've got another thing coming." Katsuki smirked at his friend.

Yeah right. Once I come out, he'll be cowering in his boots! I could have Gods on their knees in no time.

'Oh really now? Why not show me just how terrifying you can be later?'

Tch. You'll be regretting that soon.

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