Childhood Friend

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It's been a whole month since Izuku was dispatched from the hospital. He was enrolled into the same junior elementary school as Katsuki Bakugou, his childhood friend, only friend, before he was kidnapped. He propped his glasses on his nose, pulling on the black uniform of Aldeka Junior (This is supposed to be BEFORE Aldera!!). He buttoned it up, looking himself in the mirror. Izuku traced a hand over the scars that lined his face, trailing up to his golden eye behind the glasses. The clock inside slowly ticked forward, seemingly in time with his bedside clock. Taking his focus off his eye, he brushed a hand through his curly hair, longer than he'd like. Seemingly satisfied, he grabbed his yellow backpack, swung it over his shoulder and ran downstairs.

"Good morning mum! I don't want to be late so I'm heading out." Izuku called out, grabbing some toast and running towards the house entrance, pulling his unique red shoes on.

"Alright dear. Do you have everything?" Inko asked, a hint of worry evident in her voice as she spoke.

Izuku quickly searched through his bag, toast hanging from his mouth as he shuffled through the books. He ran back, grabbing his lunch and stuffing it inside his bag. He quickly hugged his mother, taking the toast out of his mouth before planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Thanks for reminding me," he giggled a bit. "I'll be off now. Goodbye!"

"Bye Izuku!" Inko waved her son off as he sped out the door, jumping down the steps of the front porch and rushing down the street.

He quickly ate the toast, eyes fixated in front of him as he ran, avoiding civilians on the way. Reaching the train station, he bought his ticket and waited, staring at the clock as time ticked by.

"De-Izuku?" A hesitant voice sounded behind Izuku, causing the greenette to curiously turn his head round to see who called him.

The ash-blond hothead, his childhood friend stood there, staring down at Izuku. His ruby red eyes widened as they settled on Izuku's mismatched ones. Taking a step back to recompose, he seemed to get caught on his words that tried to come out. Izuku simply smiled, a normal genuine smile, a tint of pink laying on his cheeks, making it stand out more.

"Hey Kacchan. Long time no see, huh?" He greeted, seemingly taking no notice to the shocked state Katsuki was in.

"W-what the fuck happened to you?" Katsuki mentally cursed himself for stuttering, though still wore a shocked expression.

"Hmm? Oh, my face? Well, I don't really like to talk about it. As for my eye, I was given a quirk! I'm no longer useless!" Izuku replied, still overly cheerful as he talked.

'What the hell happened to the shit nerd? He's...... completely different. And what's with the fucking glasses? He has 20/20 vision as far as I know.' Katsuki wondered, cautiously walking over to stand beside his green haired friend. "What... exactly is your quirk? It's changed your whole fucking eye."

"It's called Clockwork. Basically I can reverse time on a object within my vision. So say you threw some paper into the air. I use my quirk and the paper will fly straight back into your hands. Though recently, I found out that if I focus on a person, I can freeze them as long as I'm looking at them. I have to wear these glasses in order to prevent me from accidentally using my quirk cause I can't exactly control it right now. But I haven't been working on that yet. Maybe I should start..." Izuku continued to mumble, random words flying out of his mouth in a circle around his head, only to be stopped when the annoyed blond smacked his head.

"Quit mumbling, shitty nerd. It's fucking annoying as shut." Katsuki grumbled as Izuku pouted, rubbing his throbbing head.

Well he hasn't changed one bit.

'You can say that again.' Izuku mentally sighed, facing the clock again. "Two more minutes."

The two leaned against the sturdy concrete wall in comfortable silence, listening to the clock above them. Tick-   Tock-   Tick-   Tock-

Ughhh... this is so boring!!! Longest two minutes of my fucking life.

'Just sit tight. You're lucky you're in my head. Just make some cards and play solitaire or something.' Izuku suggested, hearing Deku groan once more before complying.

The train shortly arrived right after, coming to a halt. Izuku and Katsuki boarded on, luckily finding a pair of seats right next to the exit. They sat down, waiting as the many passengers boarded before the train took off again. Feeling a bit drowsy from waking up so early and wanting to keep his excitement in tack, Izuku's head dropped down onto Katsuki's shoulder, earning a "the fuck are you doing?" from said blonde.

"I woke up to early. I want to sleep. Please?" Izuku gave puppy dog eyes to Katsuki who tried to looked away.

"Tch. Fine. Just don't annoy me, shitrag." Katsuki gave in, earning a smile from the greenette who happily perched his head on Katsuki's broad shoulder.

He was surprisingly comfortable. He closed his eyes, venturing into his head where he found Deku punching a punching bag in gym shorts without a shirt. Sweat dropped off as he roundhouse kicked the bag, sending it flying.

"Wooooooo... nice," Izuku said, sitting down on the green lounge as he watched Deku collapse on the ground, panting. "Here. Take some water. Can't have your dying on me."

Izuku tossed Deku a bottle of water, getting a "thanks" as Deku, instead of drinking all of it, drank half and poured the rest on his face and chest. He jumped up, back on his feet shaking his head to remove excess water from his darker green hair. He snapped his fingers, a pool appearing in front of him with a donut floaty in the middle. He cannonballed in, swimming under into the centre of the donut, heaving out a sigh of relief.

"We're almost there. You should go back out." He said, closing his eyes as he floated in the water.

"Alright. Have fun~" Izuku waved goodbye as he exited, opening his eyes back on the train.

He sat up straight, covering his mouth as he yawned. The train came to a halt, the two standing up and leaving. They left the station, now walking up the street to Aldeka Junior.

Experiment Gone Wrong [Book 1 Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن