Back & Sports Fest

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Class 1-A was on edge. It had been 2 weeks since Izuku was kidnapped and another 2 since he was saved. They didn't know when he'd be released from the hospital and didn't want to even think about what the villains may of put him through. They all sat in silence, waiting for their teacher to come in and present them with the good or bad news. Their heads snapped up at the sound of the classroom door slamming open. Shouta walked in, slouched over a bit as he made his way to the front. He turned abruptly to the class, major eye-bags present under his eyes. Everyone was waiting for him to speak, to tell them about their friends' condition.

"As you all know, Midoriya was in hospital in bad condition," he started, watching everyone tense up at that statement. "We're not completely sure what's happened to him while with the villains, but, he is in stable condition," a few sighs of relief were let out. "His physical state isn't too bad, but his mental state has changed. He'll be coming in later. Don't startle him with loud noises or touch him or anything like that. You have to be weary of his wounds, both physical and mental," he turned his tired gaze to Katsuki. "Bakugou, you should see him first. He'll want you around. From what we've seen, he doesn't like being alone for too long. He's currently in the teacher's lounge with Cementoss and Snipe. I suggest you go see him now."

Katsuki nodded as he stood up, speeding to the door and rushing down the hallway. He skidded to a halt outside the teacher's lounge and slowly opened the door. His crimson eyes instantly landed on a mop of green messy hair. "I-Izuku...?" He murmured, watching as the boy turned his head around. Katsuki walked over, going around the lounge so he was standing in front of his friend. A small smile was present on Izuku's face as he held his arms open. Katsuki immediately hugged him, tears falling from his eyes. "You're back. Thank god you're back." He lifted himself up, looking down at the boy who tried to wipe away his tears.

"I missed you, Kacchan. I was so scared," Izuku's voice trembled as he spoke. He stood up and wrapped his arms around Katsuki, still feeling the pain searing in his bones. He gripped onto Katsuki's clothes, closing his eyes tightly as he silently cried. "I-I didn't k-know what t-to do. I w-was so s-scared there."

Katsuki gripped his friend tightly, resting his head upon the greenette's as he hugged him close. They stayed like that for a few moments more before letting go of each other. They turned to the teachers, seeing them nod to the two friends. The duo wiped their eyes before heading out. Izuku clutched onto Katsuki's hand, feeling safer when closer to him. They walked down to class 1-A, a wave of nervousness flooding over Izuku as they stood outside the giant, intimidating door. He took in a deep breath, tightening his hold on Katsuki's hand and glancing up at the blond. Katsuki slowly opened the door, causing the students inside to turn and gawk. The duo stepped inside, seeing their classmates faces brightening up as smiles settled on them.

A few students, Ejirou, Denki, Ochaco and Tenya all stood up, rushing over to their injured friend and exclaiming, "you're back!" Izuku nodded slightly, unsure of what to do when they all huddled together. "We're so happy you're here!" They said in unison, which creeped Izuku out a little, but he was glad. He brought them all into a group hug, a soft sigh leaving his lips as he hugged them tightly. They let go as Shouta gained everyones attention. They all sat down in their seats, listening to their teacher as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Now that you're all settled, I have some more news. A week from now, the sports festival will be held," a few students cheered while others muttered among themselves. "From this point on, you'll all have to train in order to prepare for the festival. Many heroes will gather there and be watching you all perform. If you want to go big in the world, you need to make your debut there. This in turn will allow these heroes to choose who they wish to take under their wing in internships. You'll all start training with All Might next lesson after lunch. Meet him at the fake city in your hero costumes."

With that the bell blared through the speakers, signalling that it was lunch time. Everyone jumped up out of their seats and rushed out the door to the cafeteria. Izuku and Katsuki stayed behind the hoard as to not get squished by the on coming riot from other classes, and they were smart enough to bring bento's. They pulled out their lunches and turned to each other, eating in content silence. They occasionally brought in small talk, but still liked the silence. "You Ready for the spirts fest? Cause I'm fucking ready to kick some ass." Katsuki commented, his usual smirk spread across his face as he dug into his food.

Izuku nodded in agreement. "I'm excited! I hope I'll be able to get close to winning. It sounds fun," the smile plastered on his lips turned to a frown as his viridian eyes seemed to lose some colour. "I just hope I can actually control my quirk. I'm not sure what they did to me. I'm still scared," He faced down, placing his chop sticks down over his bento box. "...w-would you mind... helping me again? I don't want to take too much time out of your training schedule, so you don't have to-"

"Stop right there, Izuku," Katsuki cut off his friend, placing a finger to his lips as he looked back up. "I don't care what the fuck you have to say. I'd fucking help you even if you didn't ask. We can help each other train our quirks so shut the fuck up, eat your lunch and we can start training together next lesson, al-fucking-right?"

Izuku nodded, a small smile spreading across his face as his eyes softened. They continued to eat till the bell rung out loud. They finished up and waited for everyone to enter, watching All Might burst in with bursting energy radiating off his being as he pumped up the class, ready for the class's next step to becoming the next generation of heroes.

Experiment Gone Wrong [Book 1 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now