First Steps to Freedom

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In these early morning hours, only a few birds chirped from tree to tree as Oliver found his way through the scenery. He has been walking for a while, and only now, he spotted a few buildings cluttered together in front of him in the immediate proximity. The boy gulped hard when approaching civilization. He knew there were different kind of people expecting him if he wasn't careful enough. Suddenly, his confidence in getting around by himself has vanished ever since he escaped the building. Instead, every cracking of a twig unsettled him, and he was cautious as if his life was on the line. Imagining to be so close to other people frightened him, however, he had no other choice than to pull himself together and just do as told.

From the distance, the compilation of houses was quite limited. It appeared to rather be a village. Oliver sighed relieved once he noticed so. In such an early hour, the chance of meeting someone in a less populated area was lower. Like that, he also wouldn't have much trouble finding the building he was supposed to go to. After all, how many hotels could be in one village? It has been years the last time Oliver was around these kinds of things; he could only guess. However, he didn't have the state of mind to ponder too much about these kinds of things. There was something much grander and more important that has been occupying his mind since the first step he took towards his destination.

Oliver thought back of his and Fukase's parting not too long ago. He felt his stomach cramping when reminiscing about the way they had spent their morning. Shortly after they had just been sitting next to each other in silence, Fukase told Oliver the directions. He had to be quick to not get to meet too many people; that is what Fukase told him at least. As distant as Fukase sounded, the heartbreaking goodbye was anything but one-sided. Oliver didn't want to let Fukase go, and the redhead also held Oliver tightly when they hugged each other one more time. The blond frowned pained when he recalled the feeling of Fukase's body moving from his own silent sobbing.

They hadn't said another word to each other. Their glances had spoken more than words could ever describe. The inner protest of parting had been clearly visible, and yet, both knew it was inevitable. It was Fukase who had tried to bring that torturous procedure to an end eventually.

Oliver stroke across his lips once he remembered their kiss. The tingling sensation was still present and served as a bitter reminder of their farewell. A throbbing pain travelled through the blond's chest to every single limb when recalling it. The mutual, deep longing to never let go of each other was reflected in their kiss enough even for Oliver to notice. Particularly, the frightening insight of this to most likely have been a good-bye kiss.

Reluctantly, Oliver stepped in the lobby area of the hotel. The warmth emitting from the room bewildered him. With a quick glance to his side, the blond found a huge counter with someone standing there. The person's welcoming smile slowly faded when receiving only a confused look from the boy. Oliver stepped ahead and handed the woman the envelope. With a frown, she stared at the white paper in front of her, hesitated, but took it from Oliver eventually. In expectation of any kind of explanation, she raised an eyebrow.

"Fukase told me to hand you this," Oliver muttered and looked away. He felt uneasy around her and took a good distance. He didn't know her. As much as he trusted Fukase, he couldn't help but be cautious. The woman's eyes widened once Oliver told her his reasoning. In disbelief, she opened the envelope and pulled out a letter, cautious to not let the blond get to peek.

Oliver watched her closely. Her excited expression darkened with every further word she read. In the end, her eyes rested on the paper. She seemed unsure of how to react at first. Her hesitation and pained expression awakened Oliver's curiosity in finding out what Fukase wanted Oliver to carry out. The blond didn't think he'd find out though. Cautiously, Oliver waited for the woman to snap out of her frozen state again, and he sighed relieved once she did. Her glance wandered to Oliver; a weak smile crept on her face. Oliver noticed that it was not honest.

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