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Resonating footsteps slowly made their way along the hallway. It always was a torture to walk this way but the only chance to escape the horror within the main building for once. The aisle was dark and only the weak light from outside lit up the floor and the cages on both sides. In each one sat somebody, starring to some direction. There was not much to be seen so there was no point in looking around. But most of them looked up as they heard the footsteps coming closer to their cage and went quiet.

Heavy boots from a tall and halfway muscular man made the loud sound, on purpose. He liked to show his authority by scaring the weak ones - the ones he made weak. In front of him a young boy, two feet smaller, made his way through the hallway with much quieter and careful steps. His feet couldn't really move from pure exhaust but he tried his best to keep up the speed the man was ordering. He huffed but tried to hide it to not anger the elder. Much to his dismay slowly his legs protested and he fought against it but it didn't really help. The man noticed his loss in speed and his dark expression changed into anger as he rose his hand that held a whip against the boy's right thigh. Shocked from the sudden pain the blonde boy screeched and stopped completely with his movement. He held his thigh and tried to forget the growing pain before he would cause even more trouble for himself.

"Get your ass moving!" A raspy voice yelled and right after the blonde boy felt a push to his back that left him in utter pain. But he had no other choice but to move on, so he stood up again. A pained sigh flee his mouth and the man behind him pulled the chain that was attached to Oliver's neck, leading the boy to fall to his already hurt back once more. He couldn't even make another move as his head got hit by the man's boot, demanding him to keep on moving. In order to avoid such once again, he jumped to his knees and let himself get pulled to his feet again by the man.

'No complains, I forgot,' Oliver reminded himself in thoughts and bit his lip to reduce the pain in his lower back, psychic tricks were a life saviour.

The rest of the hallway he tried to behave as demanded from him and listened to the occasionally sounding voices. Their mutter usually would be too quiet to unterstand but for all those years the blonde boy got to hear the same mutters over and over again until he finally managed to hear them completely.

His mouth formed a grin as this thought crossed his mind.

He stopped in front of a familiar cage and waited until he heard a crack and creaking from the door. Right after he got pushed inside and left on the ground. He didn't make a move until he heard the releasing sound of his door shut and the ever quieter sounding footsteps, telling him the man left.

Slowly he sat up and stretched his fingers while trying to get rid of the neck chain. His knees stitched in pain and also his back reminded him again of his pain but Oliver simply sighed. There was nothing he could do against it anyway since his room didn't really had anything. He looked up and saw the moon slightly shining through the lattice bars which kept him from fleeing. It was nice enough that he even got a little window. All in all he got one of the most comfortable rooms since it was at the end of the aisle and the leader had no other choice to give it to him.

In the beginning they tried to pair him up with other caged ones, but not long after they tried to free themselves by killing one another so they got seperated again.

Oliver let out a chuckle. He used to be traumatized by what happened to him but there came a point in his life he couldn't care less. If he was meant to be stuck in such a situation chosen by fate he would accept it and try to face it. He didn't want to be the weak child anymore. Being captivated for years already, he lost his whole instincts for time but he knew that he was still rather one of the newest kids arriving to such place.

The muttering from before came in his mind and he laughed quietly. They were all right. This was a place with rarely no escape, but welcoming arms embrace you tightly. They won't let go of you and then start to stab their thorns ever deeper into your flesh until there is nothing left of you but a puppet. That was the place Oliver belonged to. He ruffed his hair and smiled a little.

'Welcome to the Circus of Hell'

Circus of Hell (Oliver x Fukase)Where stories live. Discover now