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Oliver shifted uncomfortably as his eyes wavered through his room once more. Since this morning, he has been strangely nervous and could barely focus on the smallest things. Even eating has been troublesome for him, and that was something he should already be familiar with by now. The blond couldn't tell how much time has already passed, but it felt long enough for him. This monotonous daily routine of just eating and barely gaining strength had tired him out and he had dearly wished for a change, however, now that it was there, he felt uneasy.

The woman serving him food had inspected him earlier this morning and mentioned only coincidentally that he was assigned for rehearsals again. Oliver had felt his stomach twist by the thought of it. In fact, he wished to get out of this room, but he didn't feel fit enough for rehearsal. The leaders surely didn't keep in mind he had been under treatment all this time, so it was more likely now for him to get punished. Not only was he afraid of that, but also just to see the leaders. He considered himself lucky to only have had the woman bothering with him; he didn't want to imagine how outraged the leaders still were over his attempt to flee.

However, he didn't have any other choice than to give in and wait for them to fetch him up anytime. Due to the lack of sunlight, he didn't know precisely enough what time it was, so he just sat there for already half an eternity in front of the door and waited, his inner worries almost taking away his breath.

Oliver suddenly heard the door cracking open and he jolted to the side to not get hit - more or less accidentally. He gulped as he looked up to a tall figure bending over him. Only shakily, he managed to stand up. It was a weird movement after all this time of sitting and he dared to lose his balance again as the man in front of him grabbed him by his neck chain and pulled the blond to follow him. Oliver did so the best he could and restrained himself from letting out any whimpers. In all this time, he did regain enough energy to walk again, nevertheless, it still hurt his knees to suddenly put his body weight on them again. The boy figured it was just a matter of getting used to it again and bit his lip in order to try distracting himself from the dull pain.

None of the two spoke even a single word. Only the echoing sound of their footsteps resonated through the hallways and hurt Oliver's ears. His room was soundproof, so he definitely wasn't used to such an audible impact of his surroundings. Nevertheless, he still tried to be grateful for things he had been deprived from all this time.

After taking a few paths, the hallway suddenly seemed familiar for the boy. So he actually wasn't deportated too far away from his former room. Oliver sighed relieved to recognize his surroundings again. Now he somewhat regained some orientation of where he was. He didn't get to glance into the other cells though as he constantly slacked off only to get pulled back by the man in front of him. It already hurt Oliver's neck and he glanced up to see they almost reached the doors he feared so much. Behind these doors lay that what he had to go through all these years, and despite his attempt to flee, he didn't get away from it eventually.

Oliver's body started to shake terribly as he was waiting for the leader to open the doors. It took much longer than usual which only unsettled the blond even more. The entrance got opened eventually and he felt a harsh push on his back, which made Oliver stumble and fall to the ground. Only reluctantly, Oliver sat up again and heard the doors closing behind him again. The view in front of him was nauseating, Oliver gulped hard to surpress himself from tears dwelling up.

Many familiar faces appeared on the far end of the hall, all grouped up. It was just a too familiar sight to see everyone back in their place, ready to start rehearsals. Oliver felt like he didn't belong to all this and he also really hoped for it. He knew he couldn't escape it though and tried to cope with the fact things went to normal for him again.

Circus of Hell (Oliver x Fukase)Where stories live. Discover now