✔Chapter 1

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Maize is a half-breed born between a Witch and a Vampire.

She has been living with the Dracula family ever since Count Dracula promised her mother he would take care of her before she died. Her family was always close with the Dracula family and had done a lot for them so he felt he owed her mother this much.

The Count at first resented the idea of another girl in the house, but soon grew rather fond of her after finding out that she and his son – who had been born three months before her – were Soulbound, meaning they were Mates. It was a rarity, even in the supernatural world, for one to have a Mate, but it wasn't impossible as it had happened to quite a few people before.

It meant the two are not only meant to become lovers at some point in life, but they share a particularly strong bond as well.

The Soulbond doesn't actually 'activate' (for lack of a better word) completely until the two's sixteenth birthday – much like their Vampiric abilities do – and when it does, the two will basically be inseparable.

Until then, The Count has decided to keep the fact that they are Mates a secret from the two as he felt it unnecessary for them to know of a bond they do not yet understand the meaning of. Even now, as the two are nearing their teens, he has neglected to tell them of this bond and has decided he won't tell them until they either start asking about it or start showing signs of their Soulbond.

"I'm sure we should've taken a left back there." Vladimir Dracula, son of Count Dracula, said as he pointed to the map.

"Could you stop breathing in my face?" Ingrid, the eldest Dracula child as well as the only daughter, spoke. "You can't have brushed your teeth for weeks. Am I the only one gagging here?"

Vlad brought a hand up to his mouth and breathed against it as he smelled his breath.

The Dracula family, along with Maize, had to leave their home in Transylvania due to an angry peasant mob chasing them and now found themselves in Stokely where their new home would be.

"I can't believe we have to speak their stupid language." Ingrid huffed angrily.

"We've got to keep a low profile." Vlad reminded her.

"And why did we have to move anyway?" Ingrid continued as if her brother had never spoken.

"Angry peasant mob ring any bells to you, Ingrid?" Maize said to her female best friend.

"Please be quiet, Mistress Ingrid. I'm trying to read the map." Renfield, the only human amongst the Vampires and hybrid, said.

"Don't tell me to be quiet." Ingrid responded as she slapped the back of his head, knocking off his hat. "Insect biter."

"Right, that is it!" Renfield said as he placed his hat back on his head and pinched Ingrid's arm.

"Don't you touch me, you fungus." Ingrid scolded him as she wiped her arm where he had pinched her.

"Dirt rat."



Maize frowned and gave Renfield a look. She did not appreciate 'witch' being used as an insult.

"Sorry, Mistress Maize." Renfield apologised.

The fact that he had managed to insult Maize only seemed to make Ingrid more annoyed with him.

"Puss face." She called him.

"Turn right." Vlad told the man servant as he did so.

The human and Vampiress continued to throw insults at each other until the hearse was brought to a sudden halt as The Count exclaimed Renfield's name in annoyance.

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