Episode 17: The Doctor, The Artist and The Gunner

Start from the beginning

- Edward : no problem grandpa *Megatank coming *, oh no

- Franz: XANA, he'd never leave me alone,, i have to go, thank you Edward for making me human, *jump into Digital Sea, disappear*

- Edward: *Megatank charge shot*, Computer, Aelita Shaeffer!*devirtualized*, *step out of scanner*, that was a close call.

Edward then return to school. At morning, in the cafeteria, Jeremy is talking with the team

- Jeremy: i have located the coordinate for the Mountain Replica and the real coordinate for the supercomputer there too, *show laptop*

- Yumi: Central America? What was a supercomputer doing in there?

- Jeremy: no idea, but we will find out soon

- Odd: maybe we will encounter some zombie like in Dr. Shrank movie

- Ulrich: please...there is no zombie in Central America, you didn't listen at Geography lesson again did you huh?

- Odd: ok, maybe some vampires?

- Ulrich : no Odd, it from Transylvania

- Odd: mummy?

- Aelita: don't worry Odd, we will put you in a box if you ever turned into 1 of those things *team laugh*

Edward is sitting all by himself eating breakfast.

- Jeremy: come over Edward, we are talking about Central America

- Edward : ...

- Maya: is there something wrong, brother?

- Edward: no, i'm just ..., forget about it *leave*

- Maya: let him be, he act like this usually when he is thinking of a plan or some sort.

- Jeremy: ok, make sure to call him when we attack the Mountain Replica.

- Maya: i will*leave*

Monty is standing outside the vending machine buying coffee and talking to Emma, he wave at Edward and Maya, then head to the gym to train his martial art.Emma then go to class with the team. 4:00 PM, school out , Jeremy call the team to the lab, everyone is presence. He virtualize all of them to Sector 5, they use the Skid and travel to the Mountain Replica. They hack a tower nearby.

- Jeremy: any volunteer?

- Edward: i'll go

- Odd: count me in

- Monty: i'll go too, i always wanted to visit Central America

Jeremy teleport them to Central America, they spawn near an ancient Mayan Temple with a lot of tents and computer around it but there is no one around.

- Edward: now you know why there is a supercomputer in this place

- Odd: why? The Mayan have a supercomputer?

- Edward: this is an excavation site, the scientists must have use a supercomputer to measure the temple structure and model it, come on, let go in

They come in the Mayan Temple. At the Replica, the rest of the team are standing guard but nothing show up

- Emma: no welcoming party? This is not XANA's style

- Jeremy: *biping* i've received a distress call

- Aelita: from who?

- Jeremy: from Franz Hopper, he is being chase by XANA monster

- Yumi: so that why no one show up, come on, let's rescue him, send us our vehicle Jeremy

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