Episode 11: Hard Time

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- At 1 o'clock in the morning, Jeremy and professor Franz finally break into the US sever, they have to try a lot of algorithm to break the security fire wall. After that Jeremy return to school and tell them to ready for the attack.

Date 5th March,2003 - At 7AM (*ding dong*)

- Franz: who could it be

(* door suddenly open*)

- Agent X: freeze Franz Hopper, this is the Interpol, you are under arrest

Franz gaps and have been handcuffs by 2 agent. After that a group of agent come into his house and search for all device and take him to the police station. Mean while another group of agents are sent to Kadic Academy to investigate for further evidence.

They stop the school activities and seal all entrance. They occupied the principal office and call out name to answer their question

- Agent X: Mr. Jim Morales, tell me about Franz Hopper

- Jim: oh, Franz, he is a very nice guy, he even give me his lunch portion

- Agent X: next / Mrs. Gauthier, do you anyone working with Franz Hopper

- Laura: yeah, it Jeremy Belpois, he always sticking his eye in his laptop and always meet Franz at the library everyday at noon, something they just disappear and come back before class

- Agent X: that would be all, i want Forensic Team ready to hack this kid laptop./ Mr Belpois, are you helping Franz Hopper to destroy government sever?

- Jeremy: i don't know what you are talking about, i'm just a 14 years old kid

- Agent X: it said here on your record you have a high IQ, your friend see you not paying attention to class but yet your exam result are always high, tell me why Mr.Belpois?

- Jeremy: uhm, oh,... because is study first at dorms

- Agent X: forensic, how is the result

- Forensic 1: no result sir, there is no evidence on his laptop, is just a bunch of math and homework

- Jeremy : i think that clear out everything about me

- Agent X : i have my eye on you, Jeremy Belpois

All day long, the agent ask all of the student and teacher in the school but doesn't find anymore evidence. At 3PM, Jeremy and his friend sneak out by the route they use to go to the abandoned factory to go to the police station and visit Franz

- Police 1: you kids have 5 minute

- Jeremy: Professor, are you ok?

- Franz: i'm fine, it seem that when they arrested me, they search for my house but they haven't find out the super computer whereabout, there is a program in sector 5 of Lyoko HUD, go in and type Scipio, there is a program call reset memory, you can make everybody forget a day and give them only vague memory,it will not return to the past, but only use this after you destroy the US sever.

- Jeremy: we will professor

- Police 1: alright, time up kids

Jeremy and his friend walk out of the station but little they know they have been spy on. They walk into the forest and hear some footsteps following them so they split up and go to the sewer near the path to the abandoned factory.

- Aelita: (*breathing*) clearly someone is following us

- Yumi: i heard multiple footsteps, so what do we do now Einstein

Code Lyoko: The Broken Time ( COMPLETE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن