Episode 5: Rise Of The Descendants

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Date: 23th September, 2030- After Nero destroy Lyoko City's core, the entire sever crash that day, William deployed a team of expert to enter the virtual world and fix the problem with the supervision of Lindana Belpois, they report back that all of the main core have been destroy, except for 1 which contain a special code to keep Lyoko from falling apart is gone, the city is lucky to be in 1 piece after all of that. Lindana estimated that it would take 1 week just to recover the cores, she announces on the game forum that the sever will reopen in 1 week due to maintenance . At Kadic's High

- Yumeko:Oniichan, yesterday i asked dad if he ever play the game and if he know how to defeat that mysterious man

- Eric: what does he said?

- Yumeko: he is 1 of the 7 people that tested the game 28 years ago, at that time technology is still not progressive enough to mass produce the game, at that time he said there is a harder boss to defeat. After they defeated him, the funding for the game just stop until now

- Eric: woah, that is awesome

At lunch time, they share their story with the group

- Edward: that a very interesting story their Eric, i heard that our mom also participate in that

- Oliver: what really, so are my mom

- Emma: so are my dad

- Nathan: i heard my uncle saying that their are a group of scientist, including him, are working on a machine that can help people enter a world where they don't have to worry anything but he quit due to his colleagues having a attitude with him.

- Edward: that sound familiar(*phone ringing*), hmm, "meet me at the lab after school". Well guy, look like we are having another mission

- Oliver: yes thank god, finally i can get my hand on that guy

- Carla: what are you talking about?

- Oliver: ah, you know, testing a game with friends,get an early access for the future update mission on the main game., you probably heard of Legend of Lyoko aren't you

- Carla: yeah i heard of that game, but don't have an account

- Oliver: don't worry, next week i'll take you to the game center and maybe you and i could go on a quest together

- Carla: that sound great. Have fun then

- Eric: guy , i can't come today, sorry

- Maya: why?

- Eric: i have a tennis practice with my coach at 4PM

- Maya: that ok, we can do the mission ourselves

They go to the lab at 4:20PM, Jeremy were waiting for them

- Jeremy: hello boy and girl ready for a cool mission

- Oliver: you betcha mr Belpois, we're ready for anything

- Jeremy: ok, get in

Jeremy start the process, the team spawn at the mountain area but it in a heavy thunderstorm.

- Jeremy: your mission is to get to the Eastern tower up ahead, when you there, all of you enter the tower, i'll teleport you the fifth area

- Edward: that the mission dad? I heard you can design a mission better than this from mr Dunbar

- Jeremy: oh you'll see

Jeremy actually plan is to make Nero appear for him to capture him but thing will get complicated. At the secret lab, 7AM, Tyrone wake up in his private lab and begin analyze the signal, he copy the signal to his phone then connect to a signal finder, he go outside of the company to search for it. He reach the school, and the finder are going mad near the place, he then find the target by using a enhancer to amplify the finder, he point at Edward phone, the machine signal go maximum, he then mark the phone using a invisible partical react to phone siganl, he send an spam message to Edward phone, Edward open the phone then delete the message. Tyrone gone mad and point the finder everywhere, he accidentally point at Nathan and the finder are going mad as well.

Code Lyoko: The Broken Time ( COMPLETE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ