Episode 17: The Doctor, The Artist and The Gunner

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Date 15th November, 2002- Edward enter the white sphere, inside is the Carritage house along with Franz Hopper inside playing on the piano

- Edward: Franz Hopper? It is really you?

- Franz:*stop playing * Edward, the man i'm wanted to meet. Make yourself at home. *Edward sit on the chair*, you want some tea?

- Edward: no, thank you. I received your invitation, Franz Hopper

- Franz: no need to call my name, just call me grandpa will do

- Edward: so you know about me?

- Franz: yes, i'm know that you install the XANA deleter program inside this supercomputer but the probability of success is lower than 1.5%

- Edward: why? The program sure will trace XANA to the end of the world, there is no way it can escape

- Franz: ah, but you are wrong, XANA will to survive is stronger than ever, he will never be destroy by a program

- Edward: he? You mean XANA?

- Franz: you are the only person will only know about the thing i will said, XANA is not just a program itself, like all of you know it an Artificial Intelligence but you didn't know the Intelligence come from a man call Xavier D'Argathan, my colleague. He is XANA and XANA is him. You thought Aelita was the first person to enter Lyoko? You were wrong, he is the first person to enter Lyoko, he merge himself into XANA, discarding his body and put his mine inside a program.Like Aelita he suffer the same fate like her, he stay inside the supercomputer when it turn off, when we turn it back on, he have lost all of his memories. He is half machine half human despite being a program. That why he have limits, he can't reach beyond his potential , if he can break that limit then the earth is doomed

- Edward: oh my god! Then how could i stop him?

- Franz: you can't stop him, you can only change him, revert him back to his old self it's the only way. Sometime destroying someone is not the right answer.

- Edward: thank you for the advice, grandpa

- Franz: but still, i'm curious about your friend there, Monty Dunbar isn't it? He is not from this timeline isn't he?

- Edward: yes, he is William Dubar's younger brother, he appear in the first Paradox, that was a very tough time for my parent but they manage to make it through all.

- Franz: interesting, and 1 final question, my fate, i will sacrifice myself to save Aelita and by doing that is to keep the timeline in motion

- Edward: yes, you have no other choice, you will die saving your daughter.

- Franz: thank you Edward for telling me that. I'm sorry, i could stay and talk to you more but XANA have found us and he sending Megatank coming at our location. See you later Edward. *sphere disappeard in a flash*, *Franz Hopper become the form of a small white sphere and dive in the Digital Sea, disappearing without a trace*

After hearing about what Franz have said Edward thought of an idea to reanimate Franz Hopper, he then return to school and start working on a program to reanimate Franz. Date 20th November, 2002- Edward finished the program, he sneak in the lab at 3AM , he virtualized himself, he then test the program, he come in a tower and use the PDA to transfer the program, the tower aura turn from blue to white. Franz Hopper appear outside of the tower, the tower blast an energized beam at Franz Hopper and begin to turn him from a floating white sphere to an actually virtualize human being.

- Edward:*step out*, how do you feel now grandpa? Are you dizzy? Hurt anywhere?

- Franz: *laugh*, i'm fine Edward, i can finally feel again, *put on Edward's shoulder*, thank you grandson

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