Season 3 : Legacy // PROLOGUE - Birth Of A Generation

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Since the defeat of XANA in 2003, the team finally settle down. Jeremy and Aelita graduated from Paris University ,they fall in love,got married and have 2 kids: 1 boy name Edward Belpois( 7th August, 2014) and 1 girl name Maya Belpois(7th August, 2014) . They are talent and as smart as their parent. Edward is a boy some say maybe smarter than his father, he have a passion for computer and gaming. Maya on the other hand have her mother personality, gentle and compassion.

Ulrich and Yumi, due to Project Paradox, Yumi and Ulrich are in the same age, Yumi seen Ulrich have grown a lot from every battle with XANA, he is more mature and responsible. They fall in love, have 2 kids: a boy Eric Stern(19th September, 2014) , a boy with determination and passion for sport,unlike his father he doesn't have Vertigo, he have a crush on William daughter but seem never to confess his feeling;a girl: Yumeko Stern(24th June, 2015) , she love Japanese art and wanted to be a future anime artist. She have skill and grace of the warrior like her mother but she never show it to her parent.

William however is very busy with running his company but he got the time to fall in love with a women. He is now the father of Emma Dunbar(13th May, 2014) . A girl with agile, confident and something hot headed.

Monty, he travel around the world learning the art of fighting he is now fighting in the Muay Thai champion league.

Odd is now a singer, her first Album:"Oh Baby love me again" gone world wide, she didn't married but she gave birth to a boy Oliver Delarobia(15th April, 2014) , he have the same personality as his mother but he like dancing rather than singing. He sometimes ask Odd who is his father and Odd just answer his father pass away a long time ago not knowing the true identity of his true father.

This is the year 2030, all of them are in Kadic city, what started from a small town have turn into a central with a lot of companies invest in technology, science, I.T, ... The head company is Dunbar's Technology Inc, they invest in gaming, application, technology,..., they are testing a game using scanning technology which transfer a human to cyberspace, the technology was supervise by Franz Hopper himself. The company launch a beta testing, they post a contest online for 2 week, at 14th April, 2030 all the winner get to test out the game at Dunbar's Technology Inc branch, Edward,Maya go to the 1 of the branches where their adventure is about to begin.

- Edward: is this the right address, yes it is

- Maya: do we really have to go, i want to stay home

- Edward : don't worry, we are here to have fun

- Employee : welcome, please show me your beta code

Edward and Maya take out their phone for the employee to scan the code.

- Employee : your code are valid, please enter. Your waiting room is room number 4

Edward and Maya go to the room, this is where they meet Oliver and Emma

- Edward : hi i'm Edward, this is my twin sister Maya

- Oliver: Oliver Delarobia, but my friend call me Odd

- Maya: aren't you the son of Olivia Delarobia, the singer

- Odd:(*wink*) the one and only, i'm the one do that solo break dance on the stage

- Emma: I'm Emma Dunbar, my dad is...

- Edward : the CEO of Dunbar's Technology Inc, my dad know him, they used to work together

- Emma: oh, where is he now

- Edward : he's on a business trip to Switzerland with my mom.

(*open door*) - Employee : ok, the scanner is ready, please, follow me

They follow him to the scanning room, the room have 5 scanner and 1 computer connecting 5 scanner to it. The guy step in the scanner but Edward seem afraid, he refuse to step in, he insist on sitting and watch the process, but he notice person is missing, 1 moment later, another employee is showing the final person to the scanning room. He enter and the process begin.

- Employee : scanning, stabilizing, transfer data, virtualization

They spawn on a huge city call Gaia, it is 1 of the 5 city, the central city is Lyoko, the other are Unity, Notch, Angé. They team test the movement system, weapon check. Maya is a mage, she use spells and potions. Odd is a fighter, he have boots with hidden blade, rocket jump, wall run. Emma is also a fighter, she have 2 yo-yo with blade on them and she have some throwing knife. The final guy he have a metal arm, rocket fist, grappling hook. They move out of the city to and fight monster, complete some mission to get item, meeting other player. They play for 2 hour then they all devirtualize, but the final guy didn't show up on the scanner nor on the computer monitor, the system are saying "an error have occured".

Edward quickly turn to the computer and help the employee sort out the bug, after 15 minutes they finally get the final guy out. The employees apologize him but he said "that ok" then leave without a word, Edward look at him suspiciously. Edward and Maya say goodbye to their friend then walk back home. On their way, they bump into Eric Stern and Yumeko Stern at the street corner.

- Eric: hey watch where are you going, little sis you ok?

- Yumeko: i'm ok

- Edward : we are so sorry, ill be more careful next time

After that they go near forest, Edward take a turn on the right

- Maya: hey, where are we going, why are we turning right?

- Edward : because what i'll show you will be mind blowing.

Edward take out 3 books from his bag

- Maya: hey, that dad's journal, you have gone to his lab

- Edward: it is easy, the password are so predictable, he even turn off the fingerprint scanner.

Read this, Journal 1: "i was missing some part for my robot so i went to a nearby abandoned factory to get some, but i'm also discover something else"-"end of journal 1: we finally defeat XANA or so we thought". Journal 2:" XANA is back , it have taken over a company and possess the CEO"-"end of journal 2: we have corner XANA but it also have a wild card on it hand, it start the machine and send us to when we are just student". Journal 3:"it a new reality for me, everything have change so much, all my friend:Ulrich, Yumi, Odd, William don't remember me"-"end of journal 3: XANA have been destroy for good, we finally can settle down and continue with our life, Franz have shutdown the supercomputer and leave it at the forest where it should remain, forever"... until now (*enter the lab*)

- Maya: are you sure about this(*Edward turn on the light*)

- Edward : look at all this thing, (*pull down some sheets*) (*surprise *)

- Maya: is that the scanner, it look just like at the branch

Edward turn on the computer

- Maya: you have dad's spy bug too

- Edward: yeah, that why i didn't go in with you, i have to stay outside and use the bug to copy the game

He plugin the bug to the computer to transfer all the file to it, before he can hit enter, his phone ring, Jeremy and Aelita are back sooner then expected, they are arriving at the airport and will be home in 30 minute , Edward turn off the computer and go home with Maya. They run back home, Edward quickly enter the lab and return all of the thing he take back to their original order. Their parents arrive, they are waiting at the door and greet them. The family go out for dinner. Edward thought to himself he have to activate the computer again. At midnight, the guy from they saw from the game lab, he zap out of the outlet, he turn on the computer and begin hacking the supercomputer. The next morning, a mail man deliver a invitation

- Jeremy : what is this,... hmm.. it Odd, she invite us for her son 16th birthday

- Aelita : and i thought she didn't remember us, how sweet

- Jeremy: come on kids, let go.

They get in the car at 9AM then Jeremy drive to Odd's house

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