Episode 9: Winter's Howl

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- Dr Franz receive a message from XANA: rendervouz at the park at 9pm and go alone. He go there and see a figure in cover of the night, he go closer and closer to see that is Lindana.

- Lindana: hello, Franz long time no see

- Franz: it can't be, is this really you Lindana or it is one of XANA trick

- Lindana: is me alright, he send me to meet you in order to deliver his message: " stop fighting and you will see her again"

- Franz: i'm sorry, but i can't, XANA must be stopped at all cost.

- Lindana: then i have no choice then

(* devirtualize sound*)

- Franz: Lindana wait....

Date 2nd November, 2002- Professor Franz track down the method how to virtualize in the real world. He discover that Lindana virtualize by satellite transmission and trace down that the satellite traveling at that time was the Russian satellite. He then call Jeremy and tell his team have 1 week to prepare.

Date 4th November,2002- Jeremy and his class have a exam so only Monty and Yumi are free, they head to the lab

- Monty: Professor Franz, are you sure about this, going alone can be dangerous

- Franz: don't worry i can get you out quickly, beside this is a scout mission so there nothing to worried. Well then, scanning Monty, scanning Yumi, virtualization.

They spawn at Sector 5, they get on the Skid. They begin the process and submerged into the Digital Sea.

- Franz: ok remember, this is a government sever, the security i can bypass but when you enter you can only contact me but i can't guide you through the way if i do they will trace me.

- Monty: roger that professor

(* Full thruster*)

(* Resurfacing*)

They go to the Russian sever and be amazed by how XANA turned it into

- Monty: professor, you not going to believe this, XANA turn the sever into the city of Moscow

- Franz: interesting, XANA you have outdone yourself. Team, stay alert, explore slowly and find out where is the main core

- Yumi: don't worry, i went to Moscow at 2014, i may remember a few street name or places.

They on their way to the Red Square but get block by XANA monster

(*lazer shooting*) - Yumi: over here, this alley

(* heavy breathing*) - Yumi: we finally loose them

(* ground shaking*) - Monty: what is that sound

(*ground shaking harder*) - Monty: oh no, XANA news monster, it a 2 foot tall yeti

(*blizzard wind*)

They fight the Yeti , Monty use his fire ball but it have no effect because of the heavy snow, Yumi use her wind to boost Monty fire but the Yeti keep blowing snow to neutralize the fire. The fight it in hand to hand combat but the damage cause to it is not enough, the Yeti got angry and slam the ground, ice spike pillar rise up and hit both of them.

- Monty: this monster is so powerful, let retreat

- Yumi: professor Franz, take us home

- Franz: roger that, devirtualization. I program the Skid to automatically go to Lyoko if there is no one there.

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