Episode 12: Return to the past

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Date 16th November, 2030- Jeremy return home after his contract with the university are finished. He come home and have dinner with his family, after dinner, Jeremy want to talk to Edward in his lab.

- Edward: am i in trouble dad?

- Jeremy: no, not really

- Edward : then what it is?

- Jeremy: it about you actually, seeing looking like this, i see that you haven't touched Lyoko, not even once

- Edward: yeah, i'm afraid to fight

- Jeremy: no son, you are afraid of the scanner not with fighting, now, let's enter my mini Lyoko

- Edward: you have 2 scanner in this lab?

- Jeremy: (*type in Scipio*), 2 scanner emerge from the floor, after you son

- Edward :(*step in*) are you sure about this, what if my body are sent to Lyoko but my head isn't

- Jeremy : that exactly the same thing i thought to myself after the first time, Scanning Edward, Virtualization!

They enter Jeremy's mini Lyoko, the place have only 1 sector and that is the Ice Area. Edward virtualizes in, he look at his body, checks if anything are missing. He look around and notice he doesn't have a weapon on his body, all he have is a PDA and Hologram Sphere on a watch.

- Jeremy : welcome, to Mini Lyoko, let's have some fun,(*throw explosive*)

Edward run and try to dodge the explosive, Jeremy throw a cryo grenade at him, he startle and block, the watch automatically create an Electric Shield and neutralize the cryo grenade. Then he point the watch at an ice block, the watch fire a stream of lightning that pick up the ice the Edward tap his finger, the watch release the ice coming toward Jeremy. *throw*, Jeremy dodge the ice block

- Jeremy: good work son, i think let call it a day, shall we?

- Edward: yes, sure... but how we get out of here?

- Jeremy: computer, Aelita Shaeffer!

They both get out of the mini Lyoko

- Edward: you use mom original name as an exit password

- Jeremy: genius right? Franz used it too, back at the good old day

- Edward : to be honest,this is not really a good idea but not too bad either

They both laugh then go to their room to sleep. Date 17th November, 2030- XANA have collected 250Kg of Plutonium, that should enough to power a nation for 100 year, but he intendea to use it to control everything on Earth, every human, machine, device will be under his control in exactly 1 hour, the countdown have begun, Xavier,Monty,Nathan,Carla enter the scanner

- Xavier: Scanning, XANA, Nero,Clara,Monty, virtualization!

They arrive at the Mega Kore, XANA activates all of the tower, the power on his's supercomputer drain extremely fast. The scanner of Franz Hopper pick up the huge activity on the Mega Kore, he call the team to get to the lab ASAP, 10 minutes later

- Franz: there you are, it seem XANA is ready for his final battle, now, get in the scanner, hurry up!

- Edward: wait guy, i'll be joining too

- Maya: really, brother, i'm glad you did, the more the merrier right?

- Edward : heh, heh,heh, yeah

- Franz: scanning, Maya, Eric,Yumeko,Oliver,Edward,Emma,William, virtualization!

Their entire family are watching , are watching anxiously, Ulrich and Yumi holding their hand hoping they will defeat XANA, Jeremy and Aelita monitoring the screen, Odd is standing , put a grip on the fist. The team arrive at the Mega Kore,in the Mountain Area, right on landing, Edward PDA begin to analyze the Mega Kore

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