Dance like you mean it

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Apparently things turned for the best when All Might, the greatest dancer in the world, offered to train  Izuku to be next. It's going to take some time, but Tashinori sees potential in the kid. Like Izuku's grandmother had potential in him when he was the same age. His choreography coach, Nana, was friends with Miyuki. Now he feels like he needs to repay her kindness by making Midoriya become an amazing dancer like her. Though another problem was that Izuku wasn't to dance to pop music. Ballet with modern music doesn't look right all the time.

Izuku went to Tashinori's house where he had his own dance room where he practicesed.
"You need to eat right to maintain your body strength and build you're stamina, because we're going all in. Also you have to study hard as well to get that scholarship. Arts University isn't cheap. We have 4 months to get you ready for the audition exams. Just believe in yourself." Yagi said. Midoriya nodded happily.

"I'm going to play this song that has a lot of emotion in it. I'll dance first to show you." Tashinori turned on the music and it played 'Take me to Church' by Hozier. Izuku couldn't believe he was going to see his Idol dance for him.

Once he finished Izuku was almost in tears. All Might was only holding back a little since it is just a warm up but he thought it was amazing.
"Alright, now. Let me see what you got." Yagi went to turn on the music. What the blonde man expected was jerking movements that were almost robots, but he got the opposite. Izuku tried, but it looked awkward. He was on beat, but his movements weren't flowing right. Tashinori had to stop the music.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Midoriya sighed in frustration.

"I don't want to make any excuses.. I really don't. It's just that after I was cut out of my hip hop class. I've never really learned much." Izuku said. It was true. What he was dancing to was out of his comfort zone, and he has always been afraid to do any intense dancing. But what Tashinori also noticed was, it looked like Izuku was holding back. His aura screams potential, but something was missing.

They try again and again and again. The Izuku fell down on the last attempt. At this point Yagi didn't know if he could do this. Izuku was trying his hardest tough. You could see the frustration in his eyes. "Hey kid, I-" Tashinori paused.

"How am I supposed to do this without-"

"You don't need it. You just have to feel it."

It was another flashback. But why now? It's been so many years. "I want you to not think." Yagi finally said.

"Wha? Then how am I supposed to-"

"It doesn't matter how you dance it! Sure it looks cool and all but do you want to blend with everyone else or do you want to dance?"

Izuku went quite for a moment. "I want... I want to dance!" He exclaimed. Tashinori smiled.

"Just feel the music. I'm gonna make you listen to it first. What's it telling you? What do you imagine?" Tashinori turned on the music. Izuku closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he imagined.
He saw a man being deceived by the woman his loves, but he takes it anyways. The passion, the anger, the pain, the happiness, and the freedom. All of it was in that song. It almost felt real. Izuku's eyes were filled with determination, but not just that. There was something else that was stirring him up inside. All he knew was that he had to dance right now. He didn't care if he had to listen to it first, it wasn't enough.

AAAMEN! Aaamenn! Amen! Amen...

Yagi eyes widen. When he began to dance, it was completely different from what he thought. Actually way better than he thought.
((Start at 3:14 or if you wanna watch it all, you can))

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