I pour in the coffee beans, put in water close everything then start of the machine. I go over to Austin who's sitting at the counter watching me. I lean over it with my elbows on the edge.

"Hi." I say. He smiles.

"Hey." He says. My hair feels like it's sticking to my neck. I pick it up then twist the hair then wrap the rubber band that I had on my wrist around the ball of hair. Austin stares. He then grins.

"I love when girls do that." He says.

"What the bun?" I ask, he nods. I think of what he said. "Girls? What other girls?" I ask. He laughs.

"Girls, like when I was on tour, they wore, that." He says. I nod. He kisses my nose. He grins and shakes his head. "You're so cute when you're jealous." He says. I laugh.

"I wasn't jealous, I was suspicious." I say. 

"You're the only one. I only want you." He says. I blush.

"Good." I say. He chuckles. I walk over to the coffee pot and pour the coffee in two cups. We drink and talk. We finish then go into my living room. 

We talk on the couch. Austin's head's in my lap. He struggling to stay awake, I can tell. I push some hair away from his face.

"Fall asleep Aust." I say.

"It's oka-" He yawns. I grin and shake my head. I kiss his forhead.

"Go to sleep. I don't mind." I say.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Possitive." I say. He nods.

"Can you do something for me?" He asks.

"Sure. What's up?" I ask.

"Sing for me." He says. I laugh.

"Austin, I don't sing." I say.

"Yes you do. I've heard you." He says.

"When?" I ask confused.

"You don't notice yourself singing." He chuckles. "You do it alot." I blush

"I'm not good though." I say.

"Yes you are. You have a beautiful voice." He says.

"Austin." I warn.

"Please." He begs. He stares at me with big eyes. I stare back. 

He's not gonna stop.

He's too stuborn. 

He's obviously going to get what he wants either way.

Dammit, Austin.

"Fine what song." I ask.

"I dunno." He says.

"Austin! You have to help me a little here!" I say and giggle, he chuckles.

"Finee. How about... I'm with you, Avril Lavigne." He says. I think.

"Sure." He gets comfortable. I giggle. I get started. 


I get to a point in the song then realise Austin has fallen asleep. I stop singing. I take my phone that was next to me and go on instagram.

I look through the photos. I then see the one with me at the hospital. I roll my eyes. I don't like that he posted a photo of me sleeping, but it's okay.

After I do this. 

I put on my instagram camera and put it on selfie mode. I make it so Austin's face is in the frame, but that half my face is also in it. I widen my eyes and curve my lips into a smile. I click the blue button. I view the picture. I smile at the picture of Austin's head in my lap. My eyes look extremly blue from the light.  

Old Best Friend, New FameWhere stories live. Discover now